Edition 11
We're excited to release our latest edition as Kleer and Membersy! In May 2024, our teams joined forces to create the only all-in-one membership plan solution. Find the full story below as well as other industry highlights.
In this month's edition:
Dental Membership Powerhouses Join Forces
Together, Kleer and Membersy are working to?leverage?their complementary strengths, industry expertise, and scale to expand access to care for all uninsured and underinsured Americans, including more than 76 million adults without dental insurance, while helping practices transform their revenue model.
How Dental Teams Can Master Same-Store Growth
Dental leaders are shifting their focus from mergers and acquisitions to fundamental business improvements to increase same-store growth. Much of this change is driven by economic pressure slowing acquisition-led expansion, indicating the need to establish a healthier approach to future revenue generation.
This eBook serves as your roadmap to help you outline your same-store growth strategy, avoid costly pitfalls, and defines how you can maximize existing patient loyalty and engagement to drive scalable, recurring revenue back into your business.
Improving Access to Dental Care for Seniors
Projections show that 95 million seniors will rely on Medicare by 2060, but the lack of comprehensive dental coverage included in Medicare plans presents a critical challenge.
As 1 in 4 adults aged 65 and older have not had dental care in more than two years, dentists play a pivotal role in advocating for and providing essential care to seniors — ensuring that aging does not equate to deteriorating oral health.
By positioning your practice at the forefront of this effort and working to expand access to care within your own office you can bridge the coverage gap while creating a healthier, loyal patient base.
Top 5 Strategies to Attract New Dental Patients
Whether you are a new practice, or an established one, prioritizing new patients is an essential part of your success. This blog will uncover the top 5 strategies to effectively get new patients through your doors, and the best ways to keep them coming back.
Trending Resources
Becker's On Demand Webinar Dave Monahan, CEO of Kleer and Membersy discusses:
8 Reasons to Offer a Dental Membership Plan
Implementing a dental membership plan is a win-win solution for both dental practices and patients, promoting better oral health outcomes while transforming traditional revenue models.
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