Edition #1: The COURAGE Weekly


Welcome to the inaugural (albeit lengthy) newsletter of The COURAGE Weekly, our weekly dose of COURAGE, where you will learn how to Live Life, Love Life and Be Your Best Resilient Self and uncover your own COURAGE Muscle.

Why The COURAGE Weekly? (Trigger Alert!)

Basically, I don't like seeing people not realizing their potential because of either:

1. A lack of awareness or knowledge. I want to fill in these knowledge gaps for you; and

2. Some people believe things to be true that are quite simply false. I want to explain the truth about what your life can be like and how to create it.

My ultimate massive purpose and goal for sharing here, together with The Couragepreneur Podcast, is to make a positive impact and influence on something that occurs worldwide and is the leading cause of death for people aged between 15 and 44 in Australia and has increased globally.

And that is SUICIDE.

We also have a high rate of suicide attempts. For every death by suicide in Australia, it is estimated that there are 30 attempts made. Tragically, my own nephew died by suicide around Christmas 2015. His passing fuels my passion for making a difference in my life, my family’s life and globally!

Not being COURAGEOUS or resilient leads to poorer mental health, something I am personally extremely passionate about.

Poorer mental health is something that can lead to unhappiness, disconnection, isolation, loneliness, depression, suicidal ideation and tragically, suicide.

It’s also very important to me because…..

·        I know exactly what you are going through as this was me a few years ago;

·        I truly understand where you are at;

·        I feel your feelings of judgement, frustration, hurt and pain. Of not feeling valued or worthy; and

·        I completely get that feeling of obsession and pride, not wanting to ask for help.

I want you to uncover your purpose, your own toughness and your strength. I want to help you uncover and grow YOUR COURAGE MUSCLE.

My gift to you here (and through my podcast) is to:

·        inspire faith in you and uncover your unlimited possibilities and potential;

·        help you triumph over abuse and adversity, tragedy and trauma;

·        help you live your true potential and grow into your true, authentic self; and

·        be the resilient victor, the warrior and the winner of your own COURAGEOUS life.

But I can only do this when you do the inner work on yourself. I can’t do your push ups for you! J

What is COURAGE?

 Let’s start off with defining COURAGE. Brene Brown says:

And that’s pretty much me. J “To tell your story with your whole heart!”

The Cambridge Dictionary definition is: the ability to control your fear in dangerous or difficult situation.

It’s the ability to do something that frightens one; it’s bravery. It’s strength in the face of pain or grief.

To me though, it’s ‘backbone’, ‘spine’, ‘spirit’, ‘determination’, ‘fortitude’, ‘resolve’, ‘resolution’, ‘guts’, ‘grit’, even ‘spunk’. I say fall down 6 times, get up 7! And do or do not, there is no try as Yoda says.

Also I was born courageous, but more about that in future newsletters.

I develop my COURAGE by what I listen to, what I read, who I associate with and what I do.

The COURAGE Weekly will showcase this. So here goes….


I have to give MY own podcast a plug here. I am so proud and pleased to announce the THE COURAGEPRENEUR is now LIVE! Michael Ray is my first guest interview and you’ll wanna hear how he has been COURAGEOUS in overcoming tragedy and his mental health challenges. Subscribe to it today.


OVER TO U: Do you have (or have you listened to) a podcast you’d like me to share with our community? Hit reply and send me the details.


I was gifted this book authored by Jay Shetty from my 2 kids for my birthday mid year.  I follow a lot of Jay’s teachings and I am absolutely loving reading this book at the moment. I not only read books now, I absorb them.  I used to keep them pristine but now I highlight words, sections, paragraphs etc; I also add and take notes and often create quotes from them.


OVER TO U: Do you have (or have you read) a book you’d like me to share with our community? Hit reply and send me the details.


For many of my images for my quotes I use Photofy, an easy content creation app.  You can easily create beautiful content, photos, and posts in less than 30 seconds.


OVER TO U: Do you have any tips/tools/strategies you think our community should know about? Hit reply and let me know.


Being such an energetic, “productive” (aka busy!) person, I knew I need to put some “me time” in my life when I moved to Sydney 2 years ago. Enter MMM as we affectionately call it. Making Meditation Mainstream has brought meditation, mindfulness and a beautiful heartfelt community into my life.

Do yourself (your family, friends and community) a favour and check it out here:



Saturday 21st November: Wings of Hope Gathering 2020 – Inspiring Hope

Time: 10am – 11.30am

Location: Rocky Point Island, Balmoral, NSW, Australia

On the weekend, I had the honour and privilege of attending the WINGS of Hope Annual Gathering – Inspiring Hope for people bereaved by suicide. It was an extremely moving ceremony to honour and remember loved ones lost to suicide.

WINGS of Hope hosts this intimate, public event to bring together the bereaved by suicide in our community, to remind those bereaved that they are not alone in their loss and to inspire hope.  The Gathering was registered as part of the global initiative “International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day”.

For further information, go to:


OVER TO U: Do you have any upcoming events you think our community should know about? Hit reply and let me know.

So that’s a wrap for our first edition of The COURAGE WEEKLY.  Thanks so much for taking the time to it.  Here’s to a long, healthy, happy and COURAGEOUS life.

Live Life, Love Life, Be Your BEST Resilient Self.

Much love and big Aussie hugs,

Pix xxoo

The Couragepreneur

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