Edinburgh Moonwalk – Sat 10th June – Can you help us?
On Saturday the 10th of June Emma O’Hara and I will be walking 26.2 miles around the beautiful city of Edinburgh to raise funds for charities supporting breast cancer. I would love to say we are looking forward to this prospect, however with work, travel and studying for exams we haven’t done as much training as we would have liked……..Hopefully walking a marathon is far easier than running one….
I have been supporting various breast cancer charities after my Mum was diagnosed in 2004 at the age of 55. After successful surgery and treatment, she is now cancer free and enjoying her retirement to the full, however the outcome for many families is very different. Emma has kindly offered (with some encouragement) to join me on this challenge and we are hoping you can offer us some additional motivation by sponsoring us for this event.
We appreciate you may already be supporting your own personal charities, but even a small donation, with gift aid and Royal London matching can make a real difference to a very worthwhile cause.
For more information on the charities Moonwalk support, please see the below link:
Emma and I have a joint sponsorship page which is linked below.
Thanks Leanne and Emma