Edging closer.
Chris Mole
2017 started a business. 2021 sold it. Now sharing the journey. Founder of Cassidilly & FounderON.
Firstly, a shout out to all the parents out there managing half term activities. Am I wrong that a 'half-term hour' is like 15 normal hours??
Anyway, in between episodes of Bluey I've made some good progress this week with Cassidilly and FounderON .
4 months on from finding the perfect property to launch our 'forever business', we have a closing date of 29th Feb. Suddenly it all seems very real, and slightly terrifying after the surveyor suggested we were taking on a monster project and should reconsider.
But, I just know that this business can be a success, and whats more, it'll be a lot of fun.
This newsletter on 7th March will give full details of the business model. The Cassidilly Linkedin page will focus on insights into the business of Cassidilly, and the Instagram, TikTok and YouTube pages will give far too regular updates of the renovation.
The plan is for the first paying guests in the summer of 2025.
BUT, before that I will be looking for numerous people from my Linkedin network to stay for free. Stay tuned!
I updated the FounderON site a couple of weeks ago with a page that explained the various paid value that I am starting to offer to founders (see it here). I tried to keep it simple and make it clear what value each option can bring to people. And in my head it was very clear.
But, I think I over complicated it.
The page went live with 3 different options of 1:1 consulting, as well as the 3 digital consulting courses that I plan to launch in April. Basically, not clear. Too many options.
I tested a shift of strategy on a few of my posts last week where I just focussed on promoting the 30 min free business advice calls that I'm offering.
A much simpler message. And an opportunity for me to learn about the founders, and them to learn about me. After which it was obvious where I could add further value, or not. No fancy web page needed. Just old fashioned speaking to people.
So now my 'funnel' for FounderON is super simple. I will just focus on writing daily Linkedin posts and the weekly blog and newsletter. And my call to action will be to set-up a free chat with anyone that needs support. No complicated list of service options. And if those calls create value for both of us, then the next steps will become obvious.
I really miss working with a large team of people. But there is something very satisfying about being a solopreneur. You can test, learn, adjust and learn again very quickly.
But for now, Bluey is calling for a few more days. Yep, Monday is a bloody inset day.
Check out my weekly blog talking about the highs and lows of growing my last business from 1 to 80 people in four short (often felt long) years - www.founderon.com/my-blog