Edge Processing & Data Sharing in LiDAR Over Mesh Network
Shashank V Raghavan??
Artificial Intelligence?| Autonomous Systems??| Resident Robot Geek??| Quantum Computing??| Product and Program Management??
A mesh network in LiDAR systems refers to a decentralized communication framework where multiple LiDAR sensors or edge computing nodes communicate directly with each other to share data efficiently. In the mesh network, edge processing and data sharing play a crucial role in reducing latency, improving real-time decision-making, and optimizing bandwidth usage. This is particularly important in autonomous systems, robotics, and smart infrastructure, where multiple LiDAR sensors need to collaborate efficiently.
Decentralized Communication
Multi-Node Data Fusion
Edge Processing & Data Sharing
Self-Healing & Redundancy
Wireless & Wired Communication
Edge Processing in LiDAR Mesh Networks
Edge processing refers to processing LiDAR data at or near the source (sensor or edge computing unit) rather than transmitting all raw data to a central cloud or server. This reduces latency and bandwidth consumption while enabling faster decision-making.
How It Works?
1. Point cloud filtering (removing noise and irrelevant data)
2. Object detection & classification (identifying obstacles, pedestrians, vehicles)
3. Feature extraction (detecting road lanes, landmarks, or signs)
4. Local SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) for real-time navigation
Data Sharing in a LiDAR Mesh Network
Purpose of Data Sharing
Process of Data Sharing
Local Data Fusion & Processing
Each node processes its own LiDAR data and extracts key information (e.g., object positions, velocity, classification).
Peer-to-Peer Communication
LiDAR nodes exchange processed data over the mesh network, using communication protocols like:
Edge Nodes Aggregate & Integrate Data
Distributed Decision-Making
How the Mesh Network can help in Crowd Monitoring & Flow Management
People Detection and Tracking
Crowd Density Analysis
Flow Analysis
Alert Generation
Mapping For Crowd Monitoring & Flow Management over mesh network
Install Required Libraries
pip install open3d numpy pyzmq scipy
LiDAR Mesh Network Crowd Monitoring Code
import open3d as o3d
import numpy as np
import zmq
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
# Mesh Network Setup (ZeroMQ for Peer-to-Peer Communication)
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) # Publish data to other nodes
# Subscriber to receive data from other nodes
sub_socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
sub_socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")
# Load or Simulate LiDAR Point Cloud Data
def load_lidar_data(file="crowd_lidar.ply"):
pcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(file)
return np.asarray(pcd.points)
# Detect People in Point Cloud
def detect_people(point_cloud, threshold=1.8):
Filters point cloud data to detect objects around human height.
human_points = point_cloud[(point_cloud[:, 2] > 0.5) & (point_cloud[:, 2] < threshold)]
return human_points
# Estimate Crowd Density
def estimate_crowd_density(people_points):
Uses clustering (KDTree) to count the number of distinct individuals.
if len(people_points) == 0:
return 0
tree = KDTree(people_points[:, :2]) # Use X, Y coordinates
clusters = tree.query_ball_point(people_points[:, :2], r=0.5) # Group close points
return len(set(tuple(map(tuple, people_points[c]))) for c in clusters)
# Compute Flow Direction (Tracking Movement Over Time)
previous_positions = {}
def compute_flow_direction(people_points, frame_id):
global previous_positions
flow_vectors = []
if frame_id > 1 and len(previous_positions) > 0:
for i, point in enumerate(people_points):
min_dist = float('inf')
best_match = None
for prev_id, prev_point in previous_positions.items():
dist = np.linalg.norm(point[:2] - prev_point[:2])
if dist < min_dist and dist < 0.8: # Avoid large jumps
min_dist = dist
best_match = prev_id
if best_match is not None:
flow_vectors.append(point[:2] - previous_positions[best_match][:2])
# Store current positions for next frame comparison
previous_positions = {i: p for i, p in enumerate(people_points)}
return flow_vectors
# Main Processing Loop
frame_id = 0
while True:
frame_id += 1
print(f"Processing Frame {frame_id}...")
# Load LiDAR Data
point_cloud = load_lidar_data()
# Detect People
people_points = detect_people(point_cloud)
# Estimate Crowd Density
crowd_count = estimate_crowd_density(people_points)
print(f"Estimated Crowd Size: {crowd_count}")
# Compute Movement Flow
flow_vectors = compute_flow_direction(people_points, frame_id)
print(f"Movement Flow Vectors: {flow_vectors}")
# Publish Data to Mesh Network
data_packet = {
"frame_id": frame_id,
"crowd_count": crowd_count,
"flow_vectors": flow_vectors
# Receive Data from Other Nodes
received_data = sub_socket.recv_json(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK)
print(f"Received Data from Network: {received_data}")
except zmq.Again:
pass # No message received yet