Edgar Barber daily reflections - 11/08/2017
Accept your unity with life, this is the first step; Accept your unity with all creation around you, realize that there is no shame in this fact of life, don't feel unworthy of accepting your unity with all creation, it is this sense of worthlessness that separates people from one another, and from all other being on the planet, and most damaging spiritually, from our creator.
Too long, too many people were told that they were miserable sinners, and that they didn't deserve to walk with and talk to their higher power, they had separated themselves from this spiritual fountain of serenity and courage, for too long, until most people can't recognize the hand of the universe anymore, even more severely, until they stopped realizing that this spiritual force is within us.
Accept it as a little child and don't waste time and energy trying to understand it through your mind, if your approach to life is intellectual, you waste a lot of time and don't see it's simplicity. It doesn't mean that all decisions are simple, but when you stop complicating life for you, the decision making is easier, and beneficial for the good of all creation.