Edgar Barber daily reflections - 06/25/2017
So much time and energy are wasted in vain, because you don't give your time and do not bother yourself, to sit in silence and wait for the universe to reply, always busy, this is the secret solution to any situation, you may want to prove it to yourself and practice it to see how it works, it is the 11th step, as long as you have not tried and put it to the test, it remains theoretical only.
This life is very real, very practical, it is a life of action, there is nothing theoretical about it, but it is up to you to take any action to prove that it is so, the light of day is there, but until you pull the curtains away, you'll stay in the dark, there is water in the tap, but until you turn on the tap and let the water flow, it will remain in a stationary state.
Some food may be in a good condition, but until you put it in your mouth and eat it, it is of no use to you, so pull your waist, and start to live just for today.