Edgar Barber daily reflections - 05/21/2017
Be yourself and do not try to be someone else, all types of people, are essential to create our world, the universe doesn't want all of you to look like peas in a backpack, the spiritual life, need you different: each one with his and her unique work and his and her unique function that blends perfectly with the general good.
This does not mean, that the differences will create, disharmony or destructive differences of opinion, there are many different types of instruments in a full orchestra, each instrument has its proper place within the group, in which it merges perfectly while acting in harmony with the general good.
Only when individual souls, deviate and turn to their own path, without any thought or consideration at all, about the universe and the general good, only then do critical differences of opinion start and chaos arises.
Know this, when your heart is in its proper place, you live and work for the common good, there is no question about that, when you are at sync with yourself, only the best is revealed, so stop struggling and let yourself go, all you have to do is be, and let everything else be revealed, self concentration and the obsession that comes with it, is the worst spiritual disease.