Edgar Barber daily reflections - 03/29/2017
Find guidance for yourself, in everything you say or do, learn to be the most patient and wait for the right timing for everything that happens, know that all things will work perfectly, as long as you wait for guidance, and you do not rush forward without guidance, this is the 2nd step, many things are waiting to be discovered at the right time.
All things are accelerated, and so does the process of revelation that will occur because of the perfect harmony and rhythm of the spiritual life program, when you follow these simple steps, everything is coordinated, so work with the program and not against it, in case you try to act against it, you just exhaust yourself and you will not get anywhere.
Like swimming against the tide, you will swim, remaining in your place and consume your strength or be swept back by the tide, avoid fighting what can not be avoided, this is the 1st step, and instead learn to flow with spiritual life, in peace and absolute confidence that you are doing the right thing at the right time.