Ed3 Weekly Issue #142: New Year, New Day
Hello Ed3 frens,
The start of a new year is an exciting time. Our feeds are fresh with “Trends for the New Year”, “Top Ideas to Get Ahead in the Next Year”, or some variation of those.
At Ed3 Weekly we’ve been tracking the latest trends in emerging technology since before the inception of AI. We’re well-versed in finding the signals among the noise.
The lists and provocations populating our social media feeds are fun for discussion and debate, what we want to know, is where’s the real change happening.
The resources for this week represent some of those emerging trends. We explore how a viral video about a humpback whale in Hawaii turned out to be AI-generated, student groups filling the gaps in blockchain learning in schools, and the continuing search for the breakthrough web3 moment.
In our weekly deep dive, we hear from the folks at Microsoft about how they envision the future of AI in America.
This will be the year where we “get in the weeds” per se. The hype has died down and we are entering a time where the rubber meets the road.
These resources are meant as ways to spur reflection and thinking about how we can continue to implement systems of learning that support deep and meaningful learning in an AI and blockchain-enabled world.
Ask yourself, once we peel away the layers of technology, does learning remain that achieved this goal?
Enjoy all the resources for the week! Don’t forget to:
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?? AI News
?? Blockchain News
?? To address persisting gaps in students’ understanding and practical application of the technology, Bitskwela launched the Blockchain Student Alliance (BSA) to provide students with hands-on experience and knowledge on the fundamentals of blockchain technology, its real-life applications, and cryptocurrencies in the digital economy. Read
?? Web3 News
?? Celo and Opera's mobile-first solutions are bridging the digital divide, demonstrating the potential for Web3 to expand financial inclusion globally. Read
?? Weekly Deep Dive
This article provides a deep exploration of Microsoft’s vision for how artificial intelligence can shape the next era of American innovation. Drawing parallels to past industrial revolutions, the article highlights AI as the next transformative "general-purpose technology," akin to electricity and computer chips.
Key Takeaways:
AI is reshaping industries. As educators, we find ourselves at the forefront of this change, serving an essential role in preparing students to develop the key skills needed to participate in an AI-driven economy. Read