Economy +Philosophy Part 7To Create Awareness of common people on Economy & its associated Terminologies as they can defy who is wrong & who is right?
Haroon Asghar
Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate
Economy of any country is reflection of their top tier management vision followed by for developed, underdeveloped third world country & poor country somewhere in Africa, y objectives, KPI’s and milestones prepared ,applied for approval & then finally the main part budget announced fir the next financial years other people who are not involved directly for them it will be not easy to calculate man-hours and brainstorming, data collection done across globe with coordination if united nationwide bank & IMF etc.
The definition of economy and its all associated terminologies will be easily understood if we communicate with examples. Off course banking, borrowing, interest rates, trading etc. will be touch to give idea as in their own language Urdu they may be knowing more. But here attention is to tell that why are we here with this economic situation & How can We get rid of this borrowing/loaning some flavor I gave in part 6.
In last 1500 years Muslims ruled almost 1200 years in world, 800 Years in Spain, 300 Years in Sisley etc. Just 300 years west/others enjoyed maximum geographic area control?They were so impressed with Muslims regarding civilization, education reforms, R &D that this thing pushed them not only to?think but to develop system better than these and their determination took how can we better than Muslims in all categories as we were defeated badly at physical & economical war. The moral value, life style, management of things, Education learned quickly & implemented and they started to grow.
The major bad luck with Muslims that they have considered & taken few thing granted but once they were beaten in 1258 when Genghis Khan (1162-1227) grandson HULAGU KHAN Attacked Baghdad & killed Muslims, Sh.Najum uddin said that I heard angels voices from Sky’s they were saying Kill more these hypocrites Muslims)& history says “ They swept through the city like hungry falcons attacking a flight of doves or lime raging wolves attacking sheep, with loose reins and shameless Faces murdering and spreading terror “ and all this happened at” House of Wisdom “ Spreading terror & 1258 knows as end of Islamic Golden Age . Concluded that these social media accounts, &record can be read across the world being responsible citizen & those who have enough Almighty Allah doesn’t/t change Law/Rules/Regulations, however if any one either Muslim or of any religion follow certainly success will come despite small violations.
?So those elements/nations/countries other than religion of Islam, started prepared concrete and firm plan and started to execute it rapidly in last 100 years, All Europe, USA, Russia focused on development not only with rapid pace but with a big fear that if again Muslim comes to take over or involve fight we have to reply them and due to that fear?aggressive development made almost all west and with strongest economies of few countries.
After world war 2, France, UK, Germany etc. moved out from many countries followed by those countries’ freedom as per UN rules/regulation/charters. Got freedom. However super power USA was busy to make a system in which who will obey will remain their strong alliance. The United Nation was established after world war 2 in USA with multipurpose agenda, long details of subsidiaries and roles & responsibilities. Here I will not go in detail but Economy will grow once Business Cycle will be routed quickly and???along with concept from International/Multinationals companies introduces by 5-6 major countries the world reason can be prosecuted but I will use philosophy because in Quran it is written clearly that Christians and Jews cannot be your friend” Quran is far ahead as compared to science and references can be given but with religion ISLAM ( Either you are Muslim or not) gave directions 1500 years back with examples of prophets that How were they trading and which commodities and what was the situation of moral values. In facts in last 300-400 Years their dream,?high level strategy on long term grim?task developed themselves as strong power means Like GOD ( DAJAL) but practically they did not say in today’s world they knowns as developed countries and these countries made policies while making selected groups maximum 20 and involving United Nation, did not provide opportunity to poor county or developing country that they should not come out of borrowing if they want to survive. Certainly, this all happen not while sitting in drawing rooms they studied, practiced & implemented.
The philosophy behind is that Muslims Countries remain poor or bring them at this level that they will depend on us and Muslim Developing countries imports -Exports transactions to be evaluated in way that maximum countries will not able to trade due to standards set by this think tanks of developed countries in which USA Is at top followed by Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and later due to progress of China, Taiwan, South Korea & North Korea joined them from Asia Pacific & From Africa/Latin America South Africa and Brazil showed their cards to develop their countries .However as mentioned above those top 6-7 countries including Russia /Soviet Union also joined them. They want to rule world they want to control natural resources & in that era Oil & Gas was key commodity not only to develop countries as fuel is mandatory to support all industry ,trade, manufacturing but unfortunately these top countries were lacking with this commodity in last 100 years so they planned things and while establishment of Multinational companies they started Upstream ,Downstream business in Middle East, Indo Pak, Asia Pacific, Africa Latin America because it was their need then certainly industrial requirement will be up to some extent in second word war Japan now totally with USA so their think tanks started to work Automobile sector in a way & give growth strategically that Motor vehicle became necessity and on other side for industry & due to weather conditions their requirement in Europe Soviet union USA increased for Oil & Gas but at same time USA was not sleeping .This country to plan activities that How can they get control of reserves so first they invest their and improve started condition of few countries ,OPEC was formed By Arab Countries because not only in export but Now in Other countries Oil & Gas demand started to double & resources started to deplete but still lot of resources required but certainly majority moving to renewable energy but still oil & gas demand will continue as big trading commodity between countries. However, few facts are necessary to share that pushing across globe automobile market The American market saturated by 1990when an average American household owned one car for each of its licensed drivers,
IN addition to it by religion ISLAM deviation from God & Last prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), create problem some time in shorted term & if situation become worst then Shock nature from sky will be of required magnitude. Muslims defected and they had to leave their ownership/Governments, there will be some reason, logic, mistakes or blunders not only facts & figures but also whereas Muslims their activity, thinking & actions were taken.
To proceed further for communicating common man about economy, its back ground & philosophy has utmost importance now in next part 8th we will be starting with actual events along with supportive examples Muslim Countries & what is the Religion Point of View about Economy Operations Economy Philosophy for common men
Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate
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