·??????Published on June 28, 2020

·??????Published again on September 1oth,2021


Introduction of Economy for All Pakistani’s for understanding discussions, debate on talk Shows, informal conversation between two or more stake holders as Pakistani Nationals for them bread & butter in Pakistan.

Moreover it must be clear that I am writing all this based on my more than 25 years of?experience in Corporate sector , I am not chartered accountant or economist but by the Grace of God due to various and key?positions in organizations while worked in?special committee as member?for Finance & Audits while doing close liaison with Governments and?Its associated authorities, ministries?and??corporate?affairs gave an advantage to understand that how did we?as Pakistani working anywhere at any position. To make alignment with rule of land was not at all easy task despite Government officials knew that foreign investment will give positive message and intangible growth and reality once they invest. However, without making team having top quality integrity and they believe that after death New life which is only in Islam can do wonders because In my opinion??correct the path of doing business ethically?it is different chapter.Howeevr This all is directly linked with Economy Which you heard 24/7 and now with addition of covid 19 and its in-depth impact there is no other priority for those who understand 100% economy concept and my target audience still at same place standing where they were before Corvid 19 , But I think I t will be better to say where bench mark of some Asia pacific countries?will standing when National Hero, Founder of Pakistan , Lawyer with 100% common sense presence , died in 1948. In 1947 at the time of independence our economy was worst & in last 60’s it was

Others Have Changes the Course of Action /Events across Globe----Sometime for the Better, at other time with deva sting Results. All have chronicled our history.

“No Reply in Yes or No or comments by FBR “certainly it will be It is Policy”

“I know not what other course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death” PATRICK HENRY 1775

Simple focus approach and persistent efforts made to get acquainted common knowledge and learning on economy that can serve the maximum possible target audience. The basic of philosophy of Economy by my teacher due to my curiosity to know Pakistan Future in Next 25-30 years along with quest about basics once Pakistan will enter as leader in that war/fights in different battle fields for leading Muslim countries and certainly for this type of activity having unknown beyond imagination magnitude who will provide resource and why or Pakistan will have sufficient sources& resources at that time to start & maintain with continuous supply chain of food & weapons but now any upcoming war Modern latest technology based weapon along with genius Pak Armed Forces and civilians will be required although traditional?fight will be there but Air space control & its supremacy will lead to success of failure i.e. mentioned in Quran & Hades. What will be Pakistan role in last phase before 3rd world war. I am 100% responsible of each word and sentences written in the articles, however in advance please accept apologies for any un-intentionally written statement.

In my opinion Economy has strong linkage with religion, may be in others point of view not directly or less impact but at least some elements must be aligned to it not only to maintain, improve or boost economy and its KPI’s followed by compliance is must as per finalized milestones, measures. Economy activities turnover/increase have direct impact on approved development projects due to implementation.?In last 18 months Business turnover was not up to the expectation due not many reason in which previous Government debts were included and then Bot only Pakistan But all world faced & still doing challenging work for Coved 19 as this pandemic disease badly hurt all economies So now to restore?activity It was good decision to activate with concrete plan construction activity because with this industry all other industries moves and by keeping in view the overall situation of different business with their future forecast we can take advantage. Proactive approach must be appreciated regarding actions, conducts, deeds, projects deliveries, negotiations on Interest rates and financial institutions support to projects as it will be integral part, well defined policies covering all aspects of future?with?error free mode of?communication not only to stake holders of Pakistan and all public??but at same time clarity in open and candid message immediately required to draw?international groups/individuals settled outside and always provide generous support?to Pakistan However extra ordinary care to be required along with complete vigilance for those private `Public companies whose business turnover is among top 20 companies of Pakistan and companies working in below mentioned industry although all companies’ vigilance but those are more sensitive for keeping close eye and friendly relationship with them. Few days back I read that few cabinet members raised objection that for national companies chairman or MD scrutiny is not necessary , This is 100% wrong thinking without any doubt as Pakistan standing at that stage where all private & public companies board of directors, MD,Chairman, CEO to be evaluated based on concrete queries/confirmations, Why is it necessary? because these companies business contribute in economy and its integral parts like GDP, inflation, Import, Export, Banks interest rates , Borrowings, securities guarantees to Local or international banks because we can’t afford any?scam now on ward and strongly suggested that fix the?date of January 01, 1985 and establish special department and pool of employee?and structure will be like?law enforcement , deductive , security & safety control oriented agencies reporting to Government of Pakistan in some case directly to Civilian Government and?few are directly to Armed forces & they provide in return after evaluate report & solution. The Crises management Training, Understanding is required because now on ward we can afford to lose any human resource working at key position as the people who knows & remaining will know at the end of the mail that Anti Pakistan Forces/groups can damaged our physical asset and if they will get opportunity to eliminate people they will do due to day by day improvement in Pakistan Economy If my article will be wrong or any other analysis but the Book whose Guarantee given by GOD himself Ice QURAN Explained his friend and prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him ?cannot tell wrong things

With due apology while writing this statement that we have to include FIA, NAB, ISI, MI, IB, Even FIU, Police CIA, Anti -terrorism departments representatives of Police & armed forces like CTDT, I know there will be some in house difficulties but I will suggest strongly that members from judiciary, Media, Bureaucracy may be one each to be included and Government Jobs/assignments, it can be concluded that each & every Pakistani of 220 Million Population.

One of the most heard, discussed word economy with extreme criticism on major element like inflation, GDP, Import & Export, Oil & Gas prices followed by more tough debate ion stock markets indexes & Particular?market crash or boom and now Covid 19 have shaken not only economies but super powers?& developed countries policies affected badly because these countries policies do not pertains to them but they considered to be the strong economy countries & then directly or with support of Un provide Load/debt to Poor countries 7 Developing countries. and It seems now Israeli/Jews will out more seed of Tree Name: Garaad. PM claimed before came in to power to boost economy while collecting Looted money from previous Governments Thieves nothing wrong and 100% right priority for the new Government to immediately ensure complete payments cycles and enough foreign reserves to avoid default followed by implementing Plans as per their strategy while considering all v & resources which is basic thing and to prepare budget & current financial status of all ministries & over all Government along with existing future plan , certainly then in initiall5-6 meeting direction started to decide in the meanwhile It has never been a case that suddenly or at taking over the New Government everything block.

However unfortunately for the existing Government this Occurred at many places many?and?issue raised by not only pillars of Governments but other?institutions because due it agenda of NO CORRUPTION people started to work slow or delay and in some cases postponed for many months I did not have an iota of doubt that in power, energy, Oil & Gas sector ailing with other 5 ministries initially concern in out was not provided and now that Government is near to completion of its 2 years but more interesting that their first priority agenda is there to get back looted money & Now It is matter of great pleasure for the people of Pakistan that top criminals /corrupted organizations followed investigation teams in which Wheat & Sugar Crises was one but the other one was not only an eye opener peoples like me who remained in close liaison with them but for common people even I can only estimate that major members of cabinet may not be aware of IPP’s scandals, once report will come , you will see that?that it is 1994 to 2016 in which different policies, changes made and already top elite business class community was included & they did not participated but earned profit as per agreement ( which may be renewed for Pakistan) but there is some back ground of this scam as Few Oil Marketing Companies & Couple of refineries are included and their owners were just supplier of petrol, Diesel, HFO to this sector that?was almost 83% of the total Industry Market of Pakistan ( as per OCAC report, You may add 20% to 30% Other produces having specification like Diesel as MTT etc. and IPP & CPP included imitator further comment and sharing details will not be fair thing because as per latest news by?Channels they are going to negotiate these profits?for which they did agreement with Government with full involvement of NEPRA but on the other side mega Systematic /endemic corruption done an from different resources and I am also witness that In procurement embezzlements done between owners of supplier & Venders . Then supplier use different unethical techniques having lobbying along with effective utilization tool of bribe according to nature of business that?provide Government?not only?heavy monitory dent by doing regular fraudulent activity in IFEM, PDL, Sales Tax, Then refund of Sales tax even this corruption did not leave any stone unturned to default Pakistan as circular debt increased & Government owned institutions stuck up like PSO & 60% share in mid country refinery?Parco that supported to reduce not only Crude & Diesel Road Movement?, But there are issues which are still not in knowledge of all concern , I am not confirmed that 4-5 years back a major scam shared or not with Government by their MD & CFO.

Our reposted colleagues particularly media in 45 minutes take shows almost minimum 2 shows on main 12 -14 channels daily basis?but certainly after Non-producing solution of the issue as per rule of land they debate, criticize, speak older (You may or may not say shouting), and worst things is that during top discussion to create difference of opinion reaches?at that level where Guest started to lose their temper/patience. This happened not only due to that one part is guilt but to take lead to become prominent figures in superiority complex in eye of public and other even Government.



linking Apple with banana or doing comparison of Oranges and Mangoes did not deserve the purpose until unless after all above we will provide solution as we all are nationals & we need to help it has nothing to do that who is rules and who is COAS. The most diplomatic sentences which I am confident all media Peron’s will accept verbally as I know only 4-5main anchors or journalist but when discussion will move towards Pak Army/Armed forces they all remain reluctant to pass nasty comments right or worn, is it fear or they are not interested to take head on clash ?7 keep in between Political Government.




in last 2 years of new Government heading by Prime Minister Imran Khan with support of Chiefs of Armed forces and others patriot entities. The critical sensitive, no common, offending, challenging each & every step was picked up by media & oppositions with mixture of their representatives, Educated?/7 Know Global Dynamics, educated but not groomed up to the level that can sit on seat of member of any parliament committee due to their knowledge and in addition to it judiciary also mentioned points where Governments of Provinces & Federal needs to take action without any delay. This pressure and street always will be there and here as neutral person as no affiliation with any one , the above mentioned people must care security/safety related issues , Armed forces current & Future development or any set back country got because our external enemies don’t go for traditional war now the thongs have been changed and different tools & tactics utilized to destabilize Country once country common people will raise noise against Government certainly It will be consider some accomplishment of?Enemies.

The time has come that we need to take confidence of all 220 million people as our nations will?be able to trace themselves to support Pakistan those elements who are speaking, exaggerating facts & figures and pushing people for processions and these type of many activities in which killing, bomb blast also included and problem is that enemy representatives are present in our country at different place.

This all handled by Government & its associated/link institutions. This all?can only be tolerated by those who have 100 % trust on??Almighty Allah exist and due to some hidden reasons some extra ordinary features , special skill set , some qualities linked to Love, religion, science, patriotism, philosophy, humanity and liberty with clarity about Almighty Allah is supreme & his rights comes at top then others like Rights of people and at present while utilizing Human Rights , How do developed countries, nations, NGO’s and other NOP’s get benefit , it does not mean that all are indulge under this account doing socio political activities to weak nations, countries as per their objectives . On the Other Side I can quota example of Pakistan “ AKHWAT” genius person Dr Amjad saqib after earth quake of 2006 started work and now in this period when everyone is corrupt or seems corrupt, Dr Sahib developed unmatched transparent system with latest controls to check balance on all input (charities, Donor lists) and output to families almost became at zero level and being a decent middle class Muslim family?they can’t open themselves, so “ AKHWAT” Reaches at their destination. In today’s world and maximum next 2-3 years left for all those who want to grow in their respective fields either NOP’s or proprietor, private and public companies. As dynamic organization will declare that date is complete then alternative of Human Brain in today’s world know as Artificial intelligence will be in place to work smoothly n some organizations huge and beyond imagination job cut will start as businesses have to justify not only costs but also benefit of technology impact positively to reduce fixed cost and reduction in variable cost with improved %.

put in their personalities highest level of patience because journey started in that period where not only Pakistan but all countries/nations Including 10-15 countries who had proud on their economy became in crises by Pandemic Covid 19. Islamic republic Pakistan is not only concern about?Pakistani’s across globe involved in business /jobs but also nationals of those poor & developing countries like us because this disease impact physically is one side of the picture but on other side?Muslim countries policies more specifically Economic, Foreign and Interior Affairs badly devasted that now years required to come at position which was in First week of January 2020 subject to upcoming disaster or normal/less destruction varies country to country.

I am strongly of the Opinion that to understand economy and its associated branches have utmost importance neither target Audience nor myself is economist even more than 90% basic are not clear as everyone has own skills in his/her area of specialty as if I will look while wearing shoes of Economist/ Financial human resource of any country I can’t make comment on subject and?its linked associated entities/individuals, however with GOD & Last prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) can easily work or teach people on Oil, Gas, Energy, Power, Mineral resources , Mining Industry , FMCG environment in Pakistan with all pros & cons of future & current policies.

Few things pushed me and started to think again as I almost left follow up on “NO CORRUPTION, ELIMINATING MAFIA CAMPAINGS” when FBR didn’t consider request for meeting alone. The purpose was to help Pakistan and at that time September 2019 to March 2020, tried to communicate point of view but may be due to communication gap, FBR already commitments and them enhances knowledge about white color crime was so advance they though to consider when it will be required or may not need any help. This was very encouraging for professionals like me who want to stop bleeding from different wounds of body (Pakistan) immediately followed by treatment with mutual consent of the top tier doctors.

Any forum any one even the most experienced individuals/ groups having diversified experience related to economic activities and worked as consultants and at some places as economist & Chief Economist for various poor and third world countries for providing solution to improve KPI’s. These resources worked with World ban them worked with Back bone departments like IMF, World Bank etc. I started to evaluate all dents, peaks & troughs of our Foreign reserves and Import Export (Corruption in domestic & International Trade by Mafia/Cartel can’t be discussed here)

Haroon Asghar

Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate

11 个月


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