Economy & Philosophy- Economic Sectors along with Present Situation Part/Chapter 18

·??????Published on August 29, 2020

·???????Published on September 20, 2020

The above tweet supports my initiative and objective of common people awareness about key terms linked with business and I started to write articles on?Economy & its philosophy Because in peak times all media and everywhere inflation, process, commodities, economy , recession, its impact and many terms used by media houses but host and guest gave opinion according to their capacity and ability as I observed some time long pauses by anchor to continue the conversation and often our dearest politician without listening complete question , started to speak without any sense. At least common people who select our politician they must know that what is the point of view of individual, Political party and media house specially Anchors normally from 7 pm to 11 pm live and then repetition of these programs started and most of the time many people unable to get exact POINT they are discussing earlier I remained quiet but I have seen couple of program on different economic sectors and economy followed by weakness and strength by TY show participants. Even on this sensitive and important topic I observed that thing depicted in a way that tomorrow Pakistan will end so even educated person were going into deep depression and anxiety and at same time GOD gave Long Test for evaluation of human being because Corruption with its all types present in all economic sectors means in all industries and institutions as far as our country is concern and Adulteration, moral value bench mark was unseen due to the big distance. I mentioned that GOD does not need to give perished to human being as his system and treatment on this is same for all if Muslims rules 1200 Yrs. and then western powers played ping pong with them for 350+ years it was all based on scientific system as God say I don’t need to give or what is the reason I give perished to nations , yes of course when they cross the lime , actions are clear and sine December 2019 COVID 19 remained at second number for all specially media who can play vital role in community/society development and which is needed for Pakistan but here liar is gentlemen and gentlemen is the worst person. more than 95% community /population mental health is big question for all .However Cut to short I write 17 articles to introduce basic terms even explained GDP and its components , import and export, trade deficit and which industry and commodities can play vital role to increase exports and why are our war equipment ( self-production) faced problem in international market because who wants to see that Pakistan must Grow, Almighty Allah , Last Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him and patriot die hard Pakistan but actually we are not angles but we must follow instructions as much as can because no one know departures time and cause to next world as per ISLAM.


Part/Chapter 18th was supposed to be written on Pakistan Economy just few lines as already lot of things shared with references and examples followed by one by one each industry maximum 1-2 pages and first was construction sector. However Due to some very valid reason which can’t be explained here I took first mining then construction there is not too much big difference as all industries are almost linked with each other. The main point was for which I wrote every alternate day that we should write on social media very carefully while keeping respected, of our country rulers, and people followed by the secrets and confidential things but despite of many people there were some groups or individual who were completely understanding everything but acting and giving wrong statements and doing worst for the county .However Fir the last couple of month after cybercrime investigation and Strict action by Media almost 60% people fingers are doing rest and they are trying to establish contact with Government as it is clear that Good and bad people are present in every place and institute but if you are honest and good believe me you will feel that people are good with you except few exceptional cases.


So Economy, Covid19, Wheat & Sugar, IPP’s, Flood & Rains and Firefighting were major topics and over and above is to get looted money back from corrupt elements and to achieve FBR targets.

However, in recent interview 2 words put me in deep thinking Joint session to be called for FATAF and PM IK and Faroog Naseem Interview on media regarding its pros and cons and I am 100% sure if Media will not play role day in and day out now on ward that Pakistan must not be included in black list it will be difficult for Government to get resolution passed then certainly different gimmicks us=used for which our politician understand that last step is what and who will do.

But is very alarming that our own major politicians are against Pakistan and its business although their own interest are linked that more than 80% are safe in terms of living as they can move outside.

We use word leader , I would like to request that leader is very broad spectrum word ( Not Antibiotic) and Any Media house can tell that any liar or person who exaggerate situation can be leader here I have seen that some people say who show people power on road at one call he is leader , Almighty Allah forgive me Since my child hood Union councils ,members, District council members, MPA, MNA, then rich people used to donate to gather people very hardly 3-4 person Pakistan right now if they call they will able to gather people but can’t sustain more than 7-8 days . Here is leader with due apology I already gave examples who got money from enemies and still we are not able to understand KalaBagh project and few others just sorry to say they sold their selves, the proves are viable with those where these proves should be.


It seems all have fake degrees and even the syllabus in primary like stories on unity is strength, Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani Spoke truth to dacoits etc. but at that time “ Mula Bux” {Not Mula Bux Chandio Sahib} used in an effective manners and Government schools even myself used to sit at floor in 8th class and got benches in 9th class but delivered results as per teachers and parents desire. But I have seen that since 1985 on ward many elements are entered beautifully everywhere “Jamat Ali Shah” example is enough that there is no way that all communities, in their own cities, streets must meet each other, difference of opinion is good but please do not say that thieves are better than gentlemen please this shows you are corrupt community. If I will give examples that some political leaders get cash first followed by counting, then they talk with concern that what to do this is the nature for which Quran say that Human Being basically nature wise are “Kameene”. We are safe that luckily, we are included in Uma of last prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him, study history here even 1000 persons did not bear that perished which has been given but almighty Allah to Prophets for their learning and to check their patience? Can you live in Fish stomach for 40 days? as Younus bin Mati stayed?


In existing political parties you can’t imagine that highly educated parliamentarians are included , qualified from top universities of World for example Ahsan Iqbal sahib did his master the best Business School of his time whorten, PTI ,many youngsters MNA's are foreign qualified but are they elected but you to abuse each other , It is also not necessary that Foreign qualified people have feather in the caps , It is all about Luck, Dedication, IQ, EQ and other personality traits and norms otherwise Foreign qualified remained in jails as well for their own deeds which were fraudulent activities No need to take name.

Because here Pillars of Government are unpredictable as after few hours you will be missing or may be day after tomorrow you will be getting bail on contempt of court or any law enforcement agency can come that this word is not suitable and it comes under cybercrime, in the Fear Position No one can work keep in Mind.




So, in next 2 articles Mining and Construction to be briefly explained with different aspects specially to stop bleeding of taxes and speedup all activities? How is it possible and which are main hurdles??

Economy & Philosophy- Economic Sectors along with Present Situation Part/Chapter 18 TRUST ALMIGHTY ALLAH AND HIS LIKED PEOPLE WHO DONOT HAVE ANY FEAR AND FRUSTRATION SO BE BOLD AND BE BRAVE.


Haroon Asghar

Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate

11 个月


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