Economy & Its Philosophy Series To Create Awareness Of Public/Common Person Mining/Construction part 19

·??????Published ?2nd time on September 22, 2020 due to significant importance of Construction and Mining Sector


Part 19th,

Economy & Its Philosophy Series To Create Awareness Of Public/Common Person?( Although It Is Responsibility Of Electronic/Social Medial By Media Houses To Support & Convey Government Message With Right Approach Without Adding Or Deleting Their Own Comments) .It was necessary because in Peak times Talk shows at electronic media were becoming meaning less in which different topics discussed like Economy, Interest Rates, IPP’s Report, Government Policy, State bank, Inflation, GDP, COVID 19, Good or Bad Governance, Tax Paid/ increase in Target Tax Net FBR etc. I am of the opinion that parliamentarians understanding on this subject will be almost with same ration which exist in 220 + Million population, however literacy rate may be 40% for whole country but as minimum level is bachelor (despite of many case of fake certificates/degrees), We assume that they now basics but it is not necessary that all can read completely and understand what was the bill/Law amendment?presented? & its impact if passed or rejected because majority follow their party high command( will not use word leader as normally very well educated use word leader without knowing the definition of Leader in current Era), In past Kalabagh Dam resistance made like this ( already quoted tweet regarding one of the MNA said to his colleagues sitting adjacent to him?who said I am sleeping when voting or debate to be done on Kalabagh dam Please shake my shoulder as I have to raise hand against this project).

I was of the opinion that majority knows and no need to further write in details as couple of pages are enough for mining and construction as CPEC authority Chairman, Prime ministers, Government and opposition along with Media Houses explained it. However, it is not the minimum required audience who is the decision maker to select their MPA, MNA, and now Local Government System /election at Village/City Level etc. The public must know from A to Z whether they are educated or uneducated and this is my point that details things must be communicated by Media Houses along with establishments of complete organizational infra structure under information ministry at each tehsil/district level to conduct program on unbiased basis to tell truth followed by training of their successors on this subject as right now majority population is confused on different things due to many versions from media, Government and others elements. These lessons will improve knowledge of common public in reality to date poor persons/voters/common people/public used to elect their representative on pressure (for their basic necessities), to avoid clash with rich landlords and local police etc. and over and above lack of education and vision.

Before any appreciation or criticism and on strategic topics which are linked with our country Sovereignty must be approved by Government and concern institution as it does not come under freedom of media.?It will also help those non-serious anchors /media houses who discussed it in a casual attitude and carelessness depicted while seeing them on media.

Mining /Mineral Resources /Construction Industry/Potential with reference to Oil, Gas, Power, Energy explained in chapter 14th with subject of import/export followed by chapter 15th to 18th in which all main terms/terminologies brief explained with examples for better understanding.

In current chapter/part 19th, We will mention not only Rare Earth Elements in Baluchistan Like Iron Ore, Copper, Zinc, Gold etc. These precious item existences and in future will be major contributor in Pakistan economy (Read Chapter/Part 14th)?while focusing the main objective that common man can understand that current position of all discussions now a days being made on Reko Diq (Sandy Mountains), Saindek, Coal Mines/ Mehtar Etc. Although concern stakeholders 100% aware but I am of the opinion that for any political Government must cover the communication gap with facts and figures. However, they don’t share with common public as development of economy, corruption, mafia/cartel, How are Government system running along with key aspects considered to be the toer1st &2nd issues and they are of the opinion that these things have nothing to do with public or socio economic sectors A to bottom and only 300-400 rich families, majority bigger business businessmen, party leaders and their close companions handle it by hook or crook and they act according to self-created principles. In this way common person does not know what is going on who is right or wrong and end result that in elections repeatedly same faces comes in parliament after spending huge money and selling Senate seats on auction basis (to generate part fund) not on merit.


On Mining?I will have to remain limited on few areas due to its strategic contribution in Pakistan Economy and to supports those die hard Pakistani either it is AF’s or any other law enforcement agency or existing Government.?The mining?is linked with our all ministries like Energy, Export, Power, Finance, Mineral Resources, Oil &Gas, Construction and as byproduct /result of this project execution, some other projects will be developed like fertilizer plant, smelting plants. In this regard CPEC Head statement is valid and will advise all to explore further on internet and books as this article is just like a brief simple note not only for public but also for those foreign investors who are interested in other industries as mentioned above.?New Industry Development is necessary in new?economic zones which are being established in Baluchistan for New Pakistan an on starting above mentioned also we appreciate Pak Army that strategically couple of cantonments are being established as this part of world is major fear for our external enemies who do not want we should progress and internal enemies who are interested to get commission/Kick Backs while awarding contracts and few other who contributed to delay the?project execution through court orders for stopping economic development of Pakistan. There are different sizes of Coal mines but that coal reserves can be improved by establishing projects?of coal washing coal washing plants and our all types of enemies (having multipurpose tasks including destabilization, stopping Pakistan for extraction of mineral resources, rumors to stop CPEC projects situated in Baluchistan Etc.) do not want because this development is use less for them but for Pakistan it will work like catalyst to boost economy. Are you now aware that what is the exact reason of destabilizing Baluchistan? Why are people, law enforcement agencies persons killed on priority…No one can think that a normal Baluchi can do this…It is all done by their tribe heads and few?heads of tribes’/ex politicians while living in Baluchistan and some operate from neighbor countries with supports of elements who are against Pakistan and in past they successfully completed their tasks that deprive common public from education. Are you not aware that?4-5 incidents were occurring from 1999 to 2009 for blowing Sui Gas (Natural Gas Pipelines) although there are many witness that AF’s respected them and also accommodated them but it was enough when despite of royalty which was given to them and they did not give to their tribe people, after some interval they started to act on same way.

Moving towards each industry with brief information for references of all stake holders and concern industry as in-depth details will not be possible to cover in articles so mainly in bullet points pros & cons, attachments and reference will be given to reader. As this will be written on LinkedIn and will be connected with tweet so any information which in my opinion can’t be shared may create questions in your mind for that purpose, I can only give references of the books etc. Because we are at very sensitive stage and Pakistan is facing those challenges which we never thought but salute to those die-hard Pakistan, patriots who did their best and almighty Allah gave them courage to handle issues and journey continued in right direction which is the best possible path for Pakistan future progress. No one is alive who born in 1875 AD (I guess) so all we used to learn from books, videos, and describe in our own way, it is not necessary that all past to be describe by each one in same way because at present individuals, groups based on religion, politics having different other factors which influenced past /history etc., nations, countries, united nations and its institutions etc.?It means across the globe there will be deviation to while explaining facts & figures. However, Muslims religious book Quran is the only book which is in its original condition as per Islam and Muslims in which no change occurred but when we go in its details we will have to understand “Hardees Mubaraka” books and those books/articles written by any person having any religion but at least he or she must be respected by maximum population not only of his or her country. religion but also others.

Economy-Pakistan Industry/Economic Sectors


Top Priority: Construction & Mining Industry



  • ·?????Construction/ Construction projects
  • ·?????Textile Industries
  • ·?????Power Generation??????
  • ·?????Chemical Industries like Petrochemicals, and industry linked with above industries. Chemical Industry Outlook
  • ·?????Sugar Industry
  • ·?????Transport
  • ·?????Steel Industry
  • ·?????Government Sector (WAPDA, KESC, Railways etc.)
  • ·?????Automobile sector
  • ·?????Agriculture sector
  • ·?????Cement Industry
  • ·?????Packaging Industry
  • ·?????Paper & Pulp Industry
  • ·?????Bunkering
  • ·?????Food Industry
  • ·?????E & P, Petroleum, oil & Gas, Energy, Power, Mineral Resources
  • ·?????Others industries


1.????????History of word Economy more specifically Pakistan Economy discussed by all who knows & who don’t know (First 18 articles written to describe basic things on economy and Its Philosophy.

2.????????Industrial Business Dynamics & complete Cycle (Covered in first 18 articles with many references specially from Part 14th to 18th and Posts on LinkedIn).

3.????????Construction Business? No doubt back bone but black money could be avoided with better scheme. But Actually need to write small comprehensive note with only bullet points with pros and cons while identification where unethical/malpractice are being used by internal or external enemies or industries themselves and also it is responsibility to mention Good practices However I want to make it interested for those as well who always need to know to in depth knowledge for multipurpose reasons certainly we have genius as well as evil genius brains to utilize data ,information etc. and specially managing things in their own way or according to law but in some industries rules and regulations are obsolete and are not aligned with existing situation of the world so this is the responsibility of parliamentarians to make or amend law and then concern departments will execute it.


There were lot of moments when I felt immense pleasure while satisfying my aim that is Victory. I am also witness of peaks & troughs of my career in most important industry Oil, Gas, Power, Energy, Mineral Resources, However Journey continued despite hurdles, corporate politics, dent on performance due to lime light and speaking truth & straight forwardness. I also suffered very tough situations when my dearest colleagues gave tough time while manipulating situation and communication to right forum. I remained on learning curve since start of career July 1995 till to date and experienced that people management is very important skills.

Due to many others Pakistani’s I consider myself also diehard Pakistan & always felt guilty if anything awful happened in organization I am working and used to move after achieving one task to another as due to gregarious personality traits, norms while always thinking to work 24/7 for worth accumulation hard-pressed me.

From 2012 to 2016, more specifically after accomplishment of major tasks in commercial sales by mid-2016, I was looking for an opportunity to do some things new, Luck favored me when our CEO gave task that our Regional Head will come early next year i.e. 2017 for Explore opportunity of Mining & I want that you start work now those industries which will be future of our company in Pakistan.

In those days, CPEC, Thar Coal, Roads Infra structure in North & South Waziristan FATA (Now KPK), Exploration companies were giving preference to TPPL and converting their purchasing of POL products from mainly PSO & other OMC’s to TOTAL OIL Pakistan Limited. In upstream business of Oil & Gas ,?UEP,Mari Gas, Polish Exploration Company and other companies like?PTC, Nestle, Unilever all main accounts were with TPPL and we have selected portfolio although profit margin were well below average but almost 40% sales of the company and 28% sales of Diesel in Consumer/commercial segment was in our part because TPPL was the only company which was clearly selling only to industrial customers and No agency Diesel or Gasoline to Agency Trade( Comprehensive article written on It covering 1998 to 2012 because Only couple of people will write on it who know this concept remaining twisted in their own way that illegal practices to be covered which became routine practices of each oil company. It was very difficult in our system but I consider it major accomplishment certainly people know about it but over all in their corrupt society these types of things hide from others and dictating forces always try to indulge you in their own way but I faced all challenges. (already on agency trade, L, J, K forms, articles/posts written by undersigned on LinkedIn) in addition to its focus was on construction, transport, mining, exploration and cement sectors due to multipurpose reasons and we were competing with not OMC’s but resellers/distributors who were doing malpractice with sales tax invoicing with help of few companies and getting refund. However, When FBR issued circular that resellers payment will be made by the vendor after deducting 20% of the valid Sales TAX, they were shocked and few started to establish their own OMC’s’S FROM 2013 onward and later they negotiated to reduce it up to 10%. TPPL was the first company which took action and we stopped supply to IPP’s which were involved in organized corruption which is known as Endemic corruption and all stake holders were involved. Then in next phase?I stopped immediately supply of diesel to resellers who were supplying product to Diesel IPP’s as it was illegal except TPPL all Suppliers either OMC’s or individual Distributors/resellers were providing discounts under hand but were providing invoice on full rate of OGRA and that Cash incentive record was not any place and companies adjust it in their loyal carriage contractors who were doing manipulation. fraudulent activity in IFEM and other ways.

However as per my well defined strategy & keeping in view the bad practices of industry due to multipurpose cause, I was selected in consumer/commercials sales although to break monopoly of big giants were not earning but no one from previous company will refuse that we were selling 40% Diesel of Total Parco Pakistan Limited In commercial sales &?By the Grace of God in this whole action plan Neither a single reseller included nor we were supplying product on Retail Outlets accounts to Industry which was base of fraudulent activity and second reason was Non-Updating of Rules & Regulations , still following in petroleum repartition rules/laws in petroleum sector. Now coming back to the subject as remaining industry cane be discussed in upcoming articles’ I started to work and as much as I get knowledge surprises /shocking news hit my professionalism that why are we behind? why? and top tier was not aware.

However, the visit of regional head of?mining business?was fruitful and in Pakistan Mission Report he appreciated and mentioned the huge potential of mining and construction in coming years in Pakistan this visit was conducted in April 2017. To make it more productive and knowledgeable we contacted many institutions while filtering information (strategic point of view), visited Thar Coal, FWO (Separate comprehensive article written on this amazing organization) and other major customers in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and covered Transport sector as all mass transit of Lahore was purchasing their POL product from Total Parco Pakistan Limited. We also visited couple of construction sites/Housing in Rawalpindi in which from machinery to fuel and Lubricants all things and services were discussed with complete solution specially in mining dripping system for open pit mines etc.

In Pakistan precious metal, gold/copper reserves present beyond imaginations, Thar Coal reserves almost equal to KSA Oil reserves, Baluchistan more specifically District Changi is key area but contribution of these reserves & precious metals on lower side in GDP.?Even it was shocking news that “Saindak” TOTAL contract with Chinese companies & they are exporting 100 Kg Blocks to South Africa for separating Gold/Copper. Although Since 2000--- I was aware Saindak Being exporting Zone near Iran Border & All companies are providing POL products as per demand.

“Sandy Mountains” ---REKO DIQ stands at 5th number in copper/Gold reserves but unfortunately after identification by USA in Early 70” s So far we are not able to start work on first block. Litigations, contracts awarding, Local & International courts, local tribes etc. made this complex that we are still looking forward to make it operational to boost our economy.



Tethyan Metallogenic Belt?which runs through central & southeast Europe, Turkey,

?Iran and?Pakistan?through the Himalayan region into Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia?

& Papua New Guinea



?Based Industries; Extraction and Processing.


Note: In bullet points mentioned below are just depicting projects /scope of future and those projects which are under process so with additional support of CPEC support and with Armed forces security and Government vision that day is not far away by the Grace of GOD when Whole Baluchistan will Enlighted like Thar Coal, Thar, Sindh Province and Saindak, District Chagi Near Iran Border.

o??Mining Presentation with Scope of Pakistan, Presentation with brief details already shared in LinkedIn post), remaining go through the Different Web sites on any search engine. The current article written only to create awareness otherwise I have all details of Gold mining of this area.

o??Thar Coal Explained in Presentation, However Why Are Coal Washing Plants are necessary because we must use Baluchistan Coal through Coal washing plants if feasible.

o??Construction comments Regarding Tax Then Asphalt plant with pros & cons (Will be covered in Part/Chapter Part 19.B)

o??New technologies for mining & construction, (To be covered in 19.B)

·????????Road construction example bitumen…polymer----(To be covered in Part/Chapter 19.B)

o??Off side road equipment Future and Lubricant Potential (To be covered in Chapter 19.C) and reason to explain for Inviting World top 10 companies to invest in Pakistan

o??Concern ministries electric new rules and regulations while covering Hidden Policy of Crude and Its link with Automobile Industry from 1900-2000, Now 2000-2050 Renewable energy, Nuclear, Electric and also linked with highest ever technology not only in transport/construction/mining but in all other industry (Reference will be provided in Chapter /Part 19.C).

Haroon Asghar

Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate

11 个月

Sir I need job I,m excevator operator 3years in mining experience 03409598711



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