The Economy is not the issue!
Colin Thompson
Managing Partner Cavendish/Author/International Speaker/Mentor/Partner
Are you angry at the corruption in the corporate world and within global governments? At the big banks and Venture Capitalists? At the governments for doing too much the wrong activities and not enough of the right activities?
Also, are you angry at yourself for not taking action and control of your finances sooner?
Life is very tough for many. The question is `what are you going to do about it?`
Moaning and groaning about the economy or blaming others will not secure your financial future. If you wish wealth, you need to create it. You need to take charge of your future by taking control of your income source - today!
These may be economic hard times for the majority, but for many entrepreneurs, these are times teeming with economic potential. Not only is now the time to have your own business, but there has never been a better time than right now!
The Continuous Improvement Formula
Put Your Career on the Fast Track
There are many things you can do to put your career onto the fast track. You can set clear, specific goals for each area of your life and then make plans to accomplish them. You can plan your work and work your plan.
Ask For Greater Responsibility
You can accept 100% responsibility for everything you are and everything you become. You can refuse to make excuses or to blame others. You can tell your boss that you want greater responsibilities and then when you get them, put your whole heart into doing an excellent job.
Utilise Your Inborn Talents
In the parable of the talents in the New Testament, Jesus says, "Oh good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over small things. I will make you master over large things."
If you too will carry out every assignment to the very best of your ability, you will be given larger and more important things to do and you'll be paid more as a result.
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Dedicate Yourself to Continuous Improvement
The key to long term success is for you to dedicate yourself to continuous improvement. If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to 1/1000th improvement per working day. Is that possible? Of course it is!
Improve A Little At A Time
If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to one half of one percent more productive each week. One half of one percent more productive each week amounts to two percent more productive each month and 26% more productive each year.
The cumulative effect if becoming a tiny bit better at your field and more productive amounts to a tremendous increase in your value and your output over time.
How to Double Your Productivity
Twenty-six percent more productive each year, with compounding, amounts to doubling your overall productivity and performance every 2.7 years. If you become 26% more productive each year, with compounding, times 10 years, you will be 1004% more productive over the next decade. That is an increase of ten times over ten years.
The Reason For All Great Successes
This is called the Law of Accumulation, or the Principle of Incremental Improvement. It is the primary reason for all great success stories. By the yard, it's hard. But inch by inch, anything's a cinch!
Become A 1000% Person
Make a decision, right now, to be a 1000% person. Commit yourself to continuous personal and professional development. Read, listen to audio programs and take additional courses. This process will completely transform your life.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put these ideas into action immediately.
First, make a plan to become a little bit better every single day. Learn and apply one new idea each day to help you to become more productive and effective at your work. The incremental effect will amaze you.
Second, be patient. Do not expect overnight changes or instant results. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Become a little bit better each day and your future will take care of itself.
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Now go and be successful.
Sharing information for your success from many sources.
Director at Calder Valley Projects Ltd | Small Business Consultant | Highly Experienced People & Team Developer | Proficient Multi-site Manager | Quiz Host | Family Man
2 年nice article and very true - thanks for the recommendation Colin