The purpose of the creation of God Almighty of this universe is to give his creation from

Jinn and man are a life framework that is an circumstance for their existence, and for winning the causes of happiness

Or misery, from deeds, to spread them after death, and to put them into the penalty area, to

Heaven or Hell. God Almighty says:} I did not create jinn and mankind except

To worship {(Adh-Dhariyat, 56). What is meant by creation is the individual of jinn and mankind.

God the Creator, the Rising, wants him to fulfill his servanthood to his Creator. And the verses that tell us that

This universe was created for our sake, and mocked us, its world and its end, its sky and its earth, are many.

Then you, O slave of Dora existence, around you revolve, and you are his bride and its meaning

And its significance. What was created to be an economic wheel, and no animal to eat

Enjoy without aim. It is not permissible for an individual in the Muslim community to be considered merely a servant

For the economy, nor a slave of the group, nor a deaf factor of production. Should

The state provides him with the economy and his freedom to choose the debt he owes

By him, his freedom of opinion, and his freedom to strive to achieve the goal of his existence, and therefore

Necessary, his freedom to earn his pension. Because if he enslaved and persecuted and distressed him in

His pension lost all other freedoms, and lost his goal. And his freedom of earning means that

Toil, fatigue and work hard to eat from the sweat of his forehead, not to live as a parasite. It does

If a parasite lives on society, by forbidden gain of injustice, extortion, and fraud,

Laziness, resourcefulness, darsha, and dependency, as the law of servitude betrayed God Almighty.

A free man, worshiped with goodness, and God gave him the best of what he gave him

A slave to abide by the Sharia law of slavery, and to be a slave to the amateur. It fits

A free economy, and a political system that can freely consult and choose its rulers,

And it is appropriate for him to move freely in society and in the world



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