The problem of the pre-Islamic regimes, capitalism and socialism, is the first, and a disaster

The ultimate era is that money, the property of individuals and its state property, leads

A function of the theological because it contradicts work, wasting its value, imprisoning it, and strangling it. Money

Mr. Jabbar, owned by the state or owned by individuals. It is an octopus that absorbs the substance of life from

Society, enslave human beings, restrict freedoms, and impose on the society the behavior of the slave.

Capital octopus itself, a monster breaking his fangs riba. It is controlled

In raising the amount of riba and reducing it, from acting in money as the container acts in

Snakes, can control, snoop, and control. But the Jewish curse

God, who is lying in the stone of arrogance,

And take blood and the spirit out of humanity.



  • ECONOMY 76

    ECONOMY 76

    Free economy means the economy of the slave who is walking on the law of his Lord, which was set The lawful and…

  • ECONOMY 75

    ECONOMY 75

    The purpose of the creation of God Almighty of this universe is to give his creation from Jinn and man are a life…

  • ECONOMY 47

    ECONOMY 47

    The word "intention" and "economy" were mentioned in the book and the Sunnah in the sense of "direction" The intended…

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    ECONOMY 73

    After our study of the economy paved the way for backwardness and necessity Freedom from dependency, and money in…

  • ECONOMY 69

    ECONOMY 69

    Our good ancestor was limited to manipulating cash, cutting dirhams, or It reduces the weight of silver and gold for…

  • ECONOMY 68

    ECONOMY 68

    The problem of the development program in the underdeveloped country is the problem of funding, Rich countries leave…

  • ECONOMY 67

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    Socialism surrounds the capital by making it a state-dependent state Is the head of monopoly. In Islam, the prophetic…

  • ECONOMY 66

    ECONOMY 66

    The state of the Koran to lend money until he becomes an ally, and to volunteer to be A obedient servant, not a mighty…

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    God is not away from the foolish! The Islamic state, when taking control, And the leadership of oil, to face the…

  • ECONOMY 63

    ECONOMY 63

    From the door of piety, and on the shining of this anniversary of the history of the Imam of the nation pride Islam is…

