The word "intention" and "economy" were mentioned in the book and the Sunnah in the sense of "direction"
The intended goal, and the meaning of mediation, in the words of God Almighty: ?
} I mean in your walks {(Luqman, 19) A tale about Luqman recommending his son, and in
Such as the saying of the Almighty:} They are frugal (Fater, 32) which is the average
In the Hadith, the term "intention" and "economy" means mediation, continuity, and walking.
We need a clear economic theory to build our model in spirit
Our religion, our response to our faith and our ambition for self-assurance and prosperity
And strength. Like a nation with a purpose, capable of leading the way to its moral goals
And historical, sustained and continuous, through a world full of obstacles.
We are Muslims. Most of us live in a belt around the earth that is characterized by climate
The warm tropical orbit, our land needs reclamation to a special effort, and style
Private, and private economy. We belong to a group of vital peoples
Reproduction and reproduction, the population of births multiplies four times the product growth
Agricultural sector. And that we have the money of a corrupt and sinister. Enormous human energies if recruited,
The land needs a special effort to fertilize, and abundant financial and natural resources without looting
External and internal waste, and without backward mentalities, and reproductive needs
Made mounting.
What is needed is the Islamic doctrine in the economy to interact with these facts interactively
We obtain the physical strength necessary for our survival, existence and ambition.