Economist Shlomo Maoz: "The Israeli economy is currently the strongest in the world"
Shlomo Maoz, an influential?economist, wrote a very insightful opinion piece on how the high-tech sector's problems began long before they found someone to blame for the deterioration of their sector - it's all explained in great detail in his article, Tears of the rich: the false alarm of the heads of the economy
Even though I don't have his credentials, I've already written how the problem is not really financial. At the same time, it's absolutely clear to me that none of these expert opinions are making an impression on anyone. It's just another news item in a long chain of idle arguments that never end. For every item, there are ten others who jump up to contradict and oppose it. They each do it according to their personal preferences and agenda - and it's usually about the superficial stuff, rather than the substance.
What's the substance you may be wondering?
Israel and Israelis have been dealing with the problem of hatred, separation and division since the days of Babylon. We're a small nation that makes a disproportionate amount of noise in the world. And since we haven't finished finding out why, what's happening in our country right now is another version of us not liking to think too seriously about life. Unlike the values this country was founded on, right now it's all about what we can take and enjoying ourselves as much as possible in the here and now.