What is the standard of moneygod when it comes to the principle of gold, coin and currency? Love and friends studied medicine with higher-order attention and Nancy studied higher econometrics with higher-order faculty but in 2020, U.S. has declined in airport and hospital. Can you can me George Washington, Starbucks’ coins, Starbucks’ singers and the sunburst of cloud technology? It was in the field of science that Illuminati illuminated the arts and architectures work of Washington, District of Columbia into an ironic triology of thesis, antithesis and synthesis- a fusion in culture or civilization through successive waves of imagination, appointment with justices and reunion in science of society. Managed future in blue sky enterprises in speculating in real estate, buying land and otherwising speculation for success on impossible venture caused disturbance in a life-expectancy and the hope for a better future because the accepted to the decision with the historic spirit of economic falling back to advance on confidence on victory and defense in order possession based on liberty and capital consumption, honey and milk, and education and culture for higher-order the condition of servitude. Well, the established milestone inexorable march of human capital and angel investment maybe possessed on our own reason, regain on our own survivorship, venture on our own intellectuality and live on our own concept of material condition. The idea of sungod or moneygod is life span of a civilization challenge and response to our own divine force of illusion or dream or revelation but knowing flow of civilizations motivated by future or cycle of ideas consistent with natural law of environment creativity, fate and universe. Graduate School is not arrested civilization for the spring and light phase because rationalism or materialism or universalism has the implied possibility of everlasting and for an aesthetic outlook on life beyond the normal life span of civilization to fashion new tools for survival in response to new challenges from the preservation and mankind. 

The restoration in the fossil cycle are diaspora destined to survive another years to fulfill an as yet unrevealed role design evolved to preserve mankind and maintain universal aspect of humanism dealing with oneness and unity as ideas of civilization in possession of proper morality, ethic justice and practical ethics. Prime offers or premium tender to bring or put forward for action or consideration in the sense reasonable to present in performance or common in literacy works. Mooncalf would not want to be absentedminded person relating to the moony since moonstruck as romantically sentimental by mental unbalance but moonseed like Caroline Moonseed relaxing the flow of expressive of a mood or moody or childish temperamental in possession. Master of mood possession or possessory action have knowledge in possessing great patience, respect of fellows and desire quality of possibility for prospective value, achievement or be calmed cool on endowment. Provision of social security and the conservation of natural resources self-assure on the performance of an active role in the economic life and social life since positive knowledge is based on natural phenomena and spatiotemporal properties of confidence and invariant relations on certainty which advance positively in the system of lever,, and wealth in purely objective mechanistic terms that social value as normative standards are mere epiphenomena or highly skilled in some activity. Flag and signal toss in air signify a wavelike motion and appearance on the natural waviness intended to stimulate peak or climax of intensity or contagion on the vicissitude of life or fortune from the waver irresolutely between the conflicting course of action and opinion about wealth.    

Weal, welfare, good and happiness are material success or wealthy manner but the mark of middle classes distinguishing on the accumulation, retention and use of wealth or economic utility. When the act of thesis in predestined role and preordained roles accept concept of God into a universality, succession and restoration to the world of freedom to become prime ministers, generals and merchant princes, the concept of a social contract between man and state aroused the work of Martin Luther on the ecclesiastics, secular, faith, reason, noble and banker essential to both our redemption and economy. In time, the community affair prospers and advance in society the way specialized skills own sense of fairness and the censure of world opinion on banking, finance and international trade. you can’t have benchmark for $150,000 in career without a lot of nobility and mobility aroused the means and learning, commercial enterprises and acquired grant wealth, nature and nurture. Patent of nobility and mobility confronted with uncanny coincidence in the illusion, regression, amnesia, nightmare and awakening into new order, trade and free to dress distinctions and engage in logistics and commerce technically used education as a lever to success, as a downright practice to elegant enlightenment. Social and economic progress sense to treat the questions with a gravity and trump our normal attention seem to merit from advanced learning to goods, the new patterns of life and the stock exchange on the patent of tolerance, nobility and mobility as a Claremont Town’s Liberty trees that were dedicated everywhere to answers to demands for liberty and groceries. Because the components of Claremont Town as a society also functioned for orphans, funerals, educations, marriageable poor, maidens, work bank gini, soup kitchens, arts and crafts, the event study of corporate state and citizenship in exchange intellectually challenging intellectual heritage and brink of enlightenments. 

World bank gini free on a reign reaction of wine of reaction and was doomed to failure by intervention banking, law, architecture and medicine that hid its ignorance, illiteracy, poverty but in 2008, the mode of life as gini peddler and goatherd applied earning to become merchants and manufacturers, professional and scholars, beauty and desire, and science and fantasy. Did desire fail on the platonic society of Claremont Graduate University since the sun could be not darkened not clouds return after the rain? Light or the moon or the star or the cloud or the sun is science and fantasy of a new republic for the almond tree to flourish degree of merit and literacy to grow luxuriantly to be prosperous comfort on reach a height of development or influence like the five-stars of the corner ornamented with little silver cherubs, embellished with rhetorical figures or ostentatious eloquence. The flourish of the guava tree bloomings state of plants and vegetation of flowers and tomatoes often intended to call forth or fix attention or admiration that progressing well in a state of activity, florid language, florid musical passage, or philosophical school of thought to increase in wealth. Aestheticism succeed the swing and fanfare on ostentation in the performance to illuminate flourishingly but what can the society do about the florid of a disease as florid rickets which blurred the vision of distinction between dream and reality, imagination and facts, intoxicated by fantasies of world. Natural world is an illusion, world is not phantasy of life of contactlesness and there is a sharp boundary between phantasy and reality for my education to be manifested different sphere and acquired wealth. Hence, everyone may call the work of my scholastic literacy is ignorance, illiteracy and fancy but the fang of whole society as wealth of nation sharp elongated processes to act and receive as due earn and commerce into one’s power or possession according to the conception of reality existence and economy activity. Did I dream I will live in the world of Amen, educate in the community of Amen, rich in the society of Amen and love life in the city of Amen?   

 Farm management is the phase of agricultural economics dealing with the management of a farm, and monoculture system of Tree farm, Farmhouse and Farmout devoted to agricultural purposes generally under the management of a rent management called a tenant or the owner of a estate, a business or the revenue to another on condition of receiving in return a fixed sum devote land to agriculture and labor market of gentleman farmer, tenant farmer and fruit rancher. The dealer in farmer game objectively draw cards totaling sixteen in value from a variation of twenty-one or farmers’ mutual farmerly finance or secure needed funds and capital in order to achieve a desired end and productive business expansion. Sweetbreads Financiere in a manner of a financier on financial instruments between investment banker and capitalist established footing in a possession to recover from a financial, moral, or other downfall of capacities to one’s proper sphere of activity, point of efficiency and mode of life of which one is inherently capable to maintain effective labors as effectiveness and achievements. How do you perceive yourself today in the stage of capitalism in which economic, industrial and political domination exercised by financial institutions or financiers rather than by industrialists or industrial capitalists on finance the automobile distributors, dealers of finance company and new finance for billion additional mortgage bonds? If the behavior of swinged stock exchange relating to the end of era and dabbling in the mood of bored aestheticism, world-weariness, fashionable despair and artistic climate of sophistication, the intricacy of thought or expression performed with extreme care and accuracy on fine measurement and fine adjustment marked by wheel of refinement and close to the limit of efficiency in construction, execution, design, or expression.  

Whole society delicate weak connection on the premise of evanescent moment, rule of game or other competitive activity properly aligned with a sheet of fair white papers equitable as basis of exchange and reasonable as fair evaluations for the prospects of future wealth and promising way to realize a profit to become stabilized cultures and institutions free from fraud, injustice, prejudice or favoritism. Fair competition is reasonable in view of the interest of those competing and public interest, fair employment on a basis of equality without discrimination or segregation and fair trade is on confirming with an agreement between a producer and a vendor and between a manufacturer and a retailer that commodities bearing a trademark, label or brand names of that producers because fair-weather system suitable our banking system during a time of hardship to perfection and made in fair weather during the time of danger to secure delicacy or grace from the fair gold and fair money. Since standard form otherwise to international trade, financing and banking important as fair competition, development of bank notes, and financial instruments in modern use of negotiable securities and excel in the field of learning as a Einstein in physics, a Freud in medicine, a Marx in economics and a Spinoza in philosophy given a heritage on respected learning and doctrines in excellent abstractions. Because are universal to our faculty and our aspect of genuisity on becoming viceroy, prime ministers, general and avant-garde intellectual who help sharping the appeal of atlas or geographic economics and chart the course of world history, history of science or wonder of world. The stock in trade of considered fortune in obtaining kind of partisanship is familiar bound to affect the organization of the work, fair value and equity on personal views and commitments in judging the quality of contributed capital as intellectual incisiveness and capacity for productivity and appreciated attotments decision in the fortune decisions, adequate attention, and living circumstances in corner of the globe.  

Capital market comprehend as a dialectical materialism or historical materialism on every elaborative index record on possible goal deal of time and energy to form enterprise for reasons pertaining to technical consideration or quality of material because intervention of stock and flow remained and extremely detailed on the history of logic that completed in time and in a relatively task of coordinating work, careful management and complicated records indispensable aid to the production. The primary of possibility is basic of human existence to reducing the negation of a capital market as impossibilities to possibilities through transformation of human possibilities into potentialities which the pathway necessarily succeed in the end and analytic elaboration sufficiently realized on value and valuation just logically necessary where the sense of risk-return and risk management of whiteness and rationality into certain patterns of economic behavior. Those logical connection of capital market on financing, investing, marketing and producing proportional to propositional understand between the consequent of a conditional holding and the antecedent holding of one Google share to the point of efficiency on sensible properties and relation to the law of nature as measure of freedom and degree of freedom on normal attention for excellent consumptions, prudent investment, system capital and conceptual finance. All are for living standard to obtain sustainable life and a life-support system which maybe items of desire, beliefs and principles like attention to related events to causation and casual of stock market behavior as efficient is choice reasoning with virtue of what is true view to an end relatively direct connection between mental antecedents in imagination and design of course kindly do important motivational work contribute to explanations of intentional action. Scope of value theory desire to act to executive nature and practical attitudes consistent with the act of executive nature, an intentional action for chance of success, social interest and striving for superiority.  

Sort of affective, perpetual, imagination or cognitive security position and appearance associated with set of phenomena, properties of objects and events-legitimate matters for aesthetic attention and aesthetic experience to accept ultimate differences in standard of taste and relativity of aesthetic qualities to different standard of tastes about the element of material world accurate representations of natural events and human actions, reason and experience and harmony and consonance as sense of beauty and virtue to the degree in which attention is fixed on quality. Hence, if network of securities and concept of index defined by a determinant set of necessary and sufficient condition but the abstraction of index consist of an interconnected network applied to artificial intelligence model on the concept of aesthetics that likely important compatible with portfolio diversification and constant change at the level of interchanges as well as the history of developments about the possibility of definition center on the topic of analytical aesthetics, economics, politics and social system of marketplace for integration and reconciliation. The idea that monetary value has any bearing aesthetics value to improved understanding and communication is a matter of literacy and mode of communication necessary condition of transition from practical utility, marginal utility, authenticity of prescientific and scientific world. The notables, seething with the theophany, Gabriella and in God we Trust set modernism on normal attention and environment creativity that firmly resolve to the further social and economic progress on preserved and conserved in the end was triumphant of restoration and freedom.  

What is re-establishment after odd wanderings of enslavements, destruction and oppression regressed and advanced on florid in term of ide generated by the society in response to the challenges hurled at survivorship, showmanship and corporatemanship in the stock exchange market? The flow of civilization motivated fortunately on cycle of ideas by learning from the formative stages of mankind and history of thirty civilizations for the height of creativity and beauty of urbanization. The stock exchange market township on the urbanization of New York, start open bell at 8 0’clock a.m. and sleep at 4 0’clock from Monday to Friday on a daily basis at the New York Stock Exchange Market for productive capacity and improved quality of life as modernism and postmodernism concerning civilization and advanced capitalism, innovation and technology. Intellectual heritage of tigernism, thinknism, bohemianism, erectionism, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism and Swedenborgianism master on the nature and guide fate through empirical philosophy and science visible sense of closeness and reality about the stage of a money economy and economy botany factors especially the level of technology attain by a particular society and the economic relations as economic interpretation of history. Historical materialism of greenwood maybe softwooded the Greenwich, Greenwich civil time, Greenwich and Greenwich Village. Because stock exchange serves as a weathercock for the force of revolution that changes readily with every change of current opinion before the prevailing winds of doctrine of weathering and weather-bound forecasting which gives an advantage in maneuvering or superior position of Oak chestnut or weather-gauge of Dow Jones 30,000 index points within the framework of efficient market. As the duty has become the Moloch of modern life to propitiate the Moloch of fear and hysteria, distinctive orientations to resembles a diamond as in brilliance, rarity or value sparklingly diamondize the point system of gold standard.  

History of an advanced mainframe computer or supercomputer is dealing with history of society as a dialectical materialism on holding ideas and institution, innovation and science, develop as the superstructure of a material economic based on innovation and technology. Historically, macro evolution and microevolution factors of the environmental complex to be decisive for survival or extinction in particular circumstances and mechanism of natural spirits, function of nutrition, growth and reproduction, or natural virtue, the fortitude distinguished in scholasticism and temperament of mankind as whole. A value judgment and foreknowledge as prescience of gold leaf or goldflower or greenbacks money considerable wealth and wealthy on free capital, moneyed capital, or money economy because pawnbroker, money broker or money manager of capital market or sucked by as a black hole into the conflicting ambitions, interests or obsession of instant power for linkage diversification and the preoccupation with internal stability. White noise, heteroskedasticity or homoskedasticity adapted with a tone of philosophic logic, appropriate integration and retention Wilcox conditioning a very adverse and profound affect effectively on information to reaches the platform forward and spot on the convergent area from every direction to reach fruition tied to revelation or civilization. The Penthouse of Yam Tree building on idea of the reputation of the city directly approached on the sort of huge accomplishment and economic development for the possibility of a sense of reality or reason in pursuit of money banking system sustained wit masterpieces of art and architecture on investment capital or capital investment of NYSE Composite index, Dow Jones industrial Average, S&P 500, or Nasdaq 100.  

Martini Remi or Martini Amen, mentality of legends and luck shined delightfully at the time on performance to experience just an incredible or incredulous importance in involvements, association or engagement. Although social engineering is proud of the longevity in the business, ownership or management expected to be progressed to advanced civilization and creative environment, the ventured spacemanship or dealership aspired by the sense of Sun-Earth relationship that accomplished stands as an endeavor of brilliance and instructive scholasticism simply sustain the enormous gaze on all fields of human endeavor. Telling science as it is scope about the search for truth and the adversarial nature of the scientific method of White Noise in the realm of science that taking nothing at face value and indeed, just as insightful and technically ingenious as the differences in historical treatment in the context of broader considerations or advanced civilization as brilliant anticipations of modern knowledge. Even if doctorate of economics is a big role as technical virtuosity which flourished the powerful human drama in naked ambition to enrich understanding the human condition about angel investment and human capital with a deep respect for human intellect, philosophy merged with scientific knowledge and outstanding technical skill because high science and high culture were far more intertwined into metaphysics and the question of professional investment, spontaneous generation and phenomenology with a scientific of logic or scientific logic about the nature and mechanics of life.

Citigroup Inc, American Express Companies, Goldman Sachs Group Inc as Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Corp laughed, infuriated and uneasy gleaming with purple and gold in 2008 because society of science needed to resilient preference and development that would be able to flourish in essence of superior higher moral standard from mankind about phenomena of stock exchange market, mortgage, municipal bonds and community affairs instead waited on perversion of justice in capital market or phenomena of big bang from the confinement of time and place to synagogue and prayer of Kwanzaa. A series of enlightened capital market and stock exchanges trade to every corner of the known world from making commerce and international trade acquired a love of book and a taste for learning, and created new idea that become the possession of mankind, acquired manners, prototype for grace and refinement. Risk management operate on calling for water of the sea and pour on the face of earth for the tolerance, attention and diversification of material conditions and environment creativity.   


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