Economic Prescriptions FOR INDIA to handle the present dexterously and to face the future with élan!
kishore vaangal
Author, A Very Humble Savant of Servant Leadership, An Inveterate Crusader Apropos Ethical Entrepreneurship, An Adroit Ecologist, and A Zealously Passionate Adherent of the Rule of Law based on data-centric approaches.
… given that macroeconomic perspicacity would be ... enabling in these tough times, Mr. Narendra Modi ought to reduce Income Taxes to 15% at the highest slab-rate(without riders), half the GST rates on all essential commodities, provide tax concessions for good corporations who have scrupulously adhered to the tax laws in the past, request for yearly payments of INR 2000 for two financial years (from all Indian citizens above the poverty line), deal with nations who are willing to accept Indian Rupee denominated payments), mothball the NPAs, vis a vis, all SMEs (for larger entities, concessions have to be provided by waiving penal interest costs and for fraudsters or wilful defaulters, engage in fast recovery proceedings), engage in interventionism apropos the infrastructure verticals (with an emphasis on warehousing and logistics per se even whilst encouraging first-time entrepreneurs), and incentivize barter trade (both within and overseas). In short, the aforementioned would pave the way through these tough times and it would, with certitude … bring forth economic robustness in the medium term. Perhaps, the PM ought to announce these seminal measures via a special 8 PM announcement as it would send a decisive message to the citizenry of the establishments’ zealous efforts apropos doing whatever it takes to get the economy to robust levels.
Dr. Kishore Vaangal, Ph.D.
Unleashing the Power of NOW- building a global order where freedom, opportunity, fortune, ethical ways and inclusive growth, supremely flourish.
Respectfully Submitted in absolute Good Faith.