Economic Development and Jobs
Part 2 of The Leap:
When asked what jobs will be performed in the future as the world becomes increasingly automated, Mme. Christine Lagarde:
when head of the IMF, explained that the gurus she had consulted on this question told her that they thought that most of the jobs that would be performed in the future had not yet been created. When the Japanese asked her how they could awaken their economy from its decade of deep sleep, she could have responded with a line taken from Mao Tse Tung; “Women hold up half the sky.”
America, Germany, Science, Competence and Superficialty?
The collaboration between Albert Einstein and his first wife, Mileva, led to 1905 - the Year of Miracles - with the discovery of the photoelectric effect.?
What we have here is a lack of Collaboration
Collaboration between American and German laboratories would lead to additional Years of Miracles.
Art, Inspiration and?Technological Development?
The journal "Nature Communications," reported that researchers from the Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, the Technical University of Munich and Universiteit Leiden found that the efficiency of electrodes can be increased for the purpose of water electrolysis.?
The dodecahedron as imagined in Dali.s Art (The Last Supper):
is a prescient depiction of an extraordinary scientific (Feynman's nanotechnology) solution to the?widespread adoption of green (solar-generated) hydrogen and the fuel-cell as a revolution in energy.?
Typically, platinum is applied as catalyst, in order to accelerate the conversion of water to hydrogen and oxygen. For the reaction to be as efficient as possible, intermediates must not adhere too strongly or too weakly at the catalyst surface. Traditional electrodes bind intermediates too strongly.
The team headed by Prof Dr Aliaksandr Bandarenka:
of the Department of Physics of Energy Conversion and Storage in Munich and Prof Dr Wolfgang Schuhmann:?
of the Center for Electrochemical Sciences in Bochum have calculated how strongly intermediates must adhere to electrodes in order to most efficiently facilitate electrolysis. Their analysis revealed that traditional electrodes made of platinum, rhodium and palladium bind the intermediates a bit too strongly.
The researchers modified the properties of the platinum catalyst surface by applying a layer of copper atoms. With this additional layer, the system generated twice the amount of hydrogen than with a pure platinum electrode. This occurred when the researchers applied the copper layer directly under the top layer of the platinum atoms. The group observed another useful side effect: the copper layer extended the service life of the electrodes, by rendering them more corrosion resistant.
These inspired discoveries will lead to the more effective photolysis of water and the mass, commercial production of green hydrogen - just as the collaboration among the differing cultures of Feynman, Bohr, Groves and Einstein, led to the faster development of the atomic bomb, the discovery of quantum mechanics and nanotechnology (Feynman):
Excellence and Mediocrity
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”- Peter Drucker?
America demonstrated its mediocrity and superficiality at the meeting of the G-20 in?at Helsinki in 2018:
and that of the G-20 in Osaka, in 2019:
that led to a denigration into Night:
with the Charlottesville and 6 January reprises to antisemitism, white supremacy, false patriotism and anti-Democracy.?
Discipline, Hard Work and Patriotism
America's history is built on discipline, hard work and patriotism:
on Education and Love:
Continued with Flight - Education, Inspiration, Competence, Love and Tragedy