Economic and Commercial Real Estate information and ideas amid COVID-19 uncertainty.
Economic and Commercial Real Estate information and ideas amid COVID-19 uncertainty.
Liquidity is key. Ensure your personal and business finances are in a state that allows liability coverage.
There is opportunity in every change.
Reality is. Do not fool yourself with what you want it to be, or what it used to be. We have a new reality whether you agree with it, want it, or like it.
Reach out to mentors or others that had success or professionally survived the 2008 financial crisis recession. They will teach you what had to be done and how to weather this storm. They may also be able to see the opportunities.
1. The following approx. projections for 2020 growth; Q1 1.5%, Q2 -6%, Q3 3%, Q4 3%. 2020 overall approx. 0.5%
a. A large dip in the next 90-120 days followed up with higher than normal growth to counter Q2.
2. Unemployment; Rise from approx 3% to approx 5%
3. 2021 annual growth expected to be in the 3% range as the economy corrects and grows
4. Covid-19 "proof" industries;
a. Industrial (construction projects are scheduled and busy for over 90 days)
b. Delivery (Amazon, etc.)
5. Entertainment, dining, and retail to be hardest hit sectors.
6. Investors; Be prepared for opportunities that are always present in changes in the market, i.e. distressed properties, motivated sellers.
7. Landlords be proactive. Review your properties. Perhaps discuss rent abatement or updated lease agreements to allow leeway to susceptible businesses. Long term ideas that support both parties.
8. Tenants need to understand their leases. Be prepared to have discussions with your landlord including a discussion regarding your financial situation.
Reach out to me if I can help you with any ideas or suggestions, both personal and professional, to weather this storm. We win together.