Econoctane, an Android app to save on the price of fuel, released
C.B.Vincent Goudreault, Eng. MASc
Aerospace (flight performance) & Software engineer -- will NOT CONNECT with cryptocurrency peddlers
After over a year of code development effort, investing evenings and weekends, Convergence Solutions Numériques (that would be me...) has released its first Android application aimed at the general public.
What is Econoctane, and what is it about? It all started by the realization that gas stations do not have anything but regular and their highest premium gas on tap, the intermediate grades are simply mixed on the fly by the distributor pump; and by the fact that, if someone buys the required quantities of regular and premium fuel sequentially (counting on the mixing effect of the fuel rushing in a over half a litre per second in a vehicle tank) the resulting purchase could very easily be 4 to 5% cheaper than letting the oil company take an extra 5 cents per litre profit for having only set the position of a mixing valve.
The Econoctane application computes the purchase price for both the highest octane and regular components, so that motorists could enter a precise amount as a pre-authorization in the distributor pump. The application also offers multiple vehicle database support, while an advanced plotting capability allows--once enough data has been gathered--to analyze the results and determine the real advantage, if any, a higher octane fuel may have on fuel economy.
In case you are wondering, in the case of my vehicle, the manufacturer claims 4.5% more power on 91 octane than on 87 regular, and my observation is that highway fuel economy improves about 12%. As long as the 91 fuel sells for 14% more, that may sound like a waste of time; but with Econoctane, mixing 94 super premium with regular gas (by the way, my tests result over one year show not additional gain between 91 and 94) produces a 91 fuel that is only 10% more expensive than the regular.
A video that describes the Application has been posted on YouTube:
And the application can be purchased at the Play Google store:
When buying 50 litre of my own blend of "91", I save $2.79 these days when compared with getting pump-mixed 91.
General Aviation “Lean Start up” Ventures focused; “Disruptive Innovation” in the Business Model.
6 年Bonjour Vincent, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Is there any potential issue with the concentration of other additional engine additives if one mixes the different octane rated fuels ? . By this I'm wandering if the additional additives are common to all octane variants and in the same concentrations based on volume. Merci, dave