Ecommerce XL #005 | Virtual Humans, Virtual Beauty and an Unbelievable 2600% ROAS
Hello again, digital dynamos. A word of caution before we get started; you might want to hold onto your screens because this newest edition of Ecommerce XL is about to take off through the always-evolving, never-boring world of digital commerce. Are you ready?
Okay, let’s go! ??
Hot New Headline News
Longest-Running Brand Slogans
Creating a memorable and long-lasting brand slogan is a feat only a few companies have accomplished. The pay-off has not only been a motto or phrase that has endured and synonymous with their respective brand but also becoming a fixture of cultural relevance and inspiration:
Greatest Song Lyrics of All Time ??
Key Dates to Note ??
And whoop, there it is. As we gear up for the busiest time of the year, remember: the world of commerce is vast, but the bridges between history, art, technology and business make it a thrilling journey.
Here's to charting new courses and rediscovering old ones.
Until next time, keep that cart action pumping, and don't forget to like, comment and share your favourite Ecommerce Linkedin newsletter (this one of course!).
"Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of men's desires, but by the removal of desire" — Epictetus