Ecommerce Developers company vs. Freelancers key differences

Ecommerce Developers company vs. Freelancers key differences

Your wings will grow when you realize you have an excellent idea for a product. However, you should not forget the challenges ahead. Before you embark on the most challenging task, you must decide - on product development.

Each project is unique, so there is no one answer to whether software development companies or freelancers are better. It is difficult to choose between a freelancer or a company when you don't understand the pros and cons of each option.

Today we will discuss freelancers as well as software development companies . We'll also highlight the pros and cons of each so you can make the best decision and hire the right people for your project.

You may find freelancers who specialize in your field or professional agencies (software houses) to help you find a solution. Each solution has its pros and cons. Before you decide who to trust with your order, it is essential to examine all options.

Who is a Freelancer?

A freelancer is someone skilled in a particular field (e.g., Website design, who works on commission. For example, you can choose to be a programmer or a graphic designer. Freelancers don't necessarily have to be IT-related, but we will concentrate on them. Freelancers work when it suits them and can manage their time.

Pros of Hiring a Freelancer

It is logical to begin our review by highlighting the main benefits of working as a freelance eCommerce developer. There are many benefits to hiring a freelance eCommerce developer, including cost-efficiency, flexibility, and speed. Let's examine each one with greater precision.


This is the most common reason businesses hire web developers on a freelance basis. Software development can be cost-effectively reduced by 20-30%. Contractor independence makes it possible to reduce the cost of software development. Freelancers don't usually have to maintain offices or provide benefits for employees. They can offer services at a lower rate - starting at $41-60 an hour.

Skilled in a Specific Area

Freelancers often work in their businesses and strive to improve their skills. It can be advantageous to hire a freelancer to do specific tasks or complete similar projects to ones they have already completed. Freelancers often have portfolios and feedback from Behance (for UI/UX designers) or GitHub (for programmers). This allows them to showcase their talents.

Wide Pool of Talent

There are over 57.3 million freelancers in the USA who offer different services. There is a vast talent pool, so it's easy to find someone with the right skills and experience for your project. You can find independent contractors through Upwork, Guru, Guru, Fiverr, and Freelancer platforms.

Easily Spotted

Freelancers are in high demand. There have been many platforms like Upwork, Elance, and Hubstaff Talent to find independent contractors to fulfill your needs. Once you have found the right talent and agreed to the terms, they will get to work.

Cons of Hiring a Freelancer

There are risks associated with hiring freelancers, just like any other decision. When hiring a software developer, a company should be aware of the potential problems and address them.

Confidentiality Issues

Although this is not a common problem, there are still companies and industries where it is difficult to work alongside freelancers. You can request that freelancers sign NDAs (non-disclosure agreements), but this will still require you to weigh the risks.


Freelancers' desire to work on many projects at once and deliver high-quality results quickly may cause unpredicted effects. Contractors are often less concerned about completing a task and fail to provide high-quality services. If you want to scale the project further, you could run into problems. You will often need to hire a contractor to fix bugs, as freelancers are not usually available for ongoing support.

Organization Skills Can Be Lacking

You don't have to manage the project. Unfortunately, freelancers are often not great at organizing and planning their work processes. This can cause problems when it comes to meeting deadlines.

What is an eCommerce Development Company?

An eCommerce development company agency is a term that describes a company that specializes in eCommerce solution development for mobile as well as web. This could include web design, web programming, mobile app development, and so on.

Pros of Hiring an eCommerce Development Company

Outsourcing companies might be the best option for a project that involves programming skills and the participants' experienced professionals. These are just a few of the many benefits that outsourcing companies can offer.


A company that provides eCommerce outsourcing services may have a team that has been built for many years. This allows them to do different tasks without the assistance of their staff. It also means that it will be easy to find the right talent to implement a unique feature in your project. In addition, outsourcing eCommerce development companies can handle various tasks, unlike freelance developers.

Tuned Development Workflow

You can contact project managers to get information about the work done, make adjustments or approve it, then wait for the next phase of your project. An efficient development process will ensure that you meet all deadlines.

Maintenance and Ongoing Support

You can rest assured that your eCommerce company will continue to support you even after developing your app. These companies usually have teams that offer ongoing maintenance to dedicate the necessary time to your project. Individual contractors might not have the time or tools to complete such tasks.

Cons of Hiring an eCommerce Development Company

There are some difficulties associated with hiring an eCommerce development company. This can be a problem for some. Consider the cost of hiring software companies versus hiring freelancers.

Speed of Development

Companies that specialize in eCommerce app development do not offer rapid growth. This is because internal processes or communication could hamper the entire process. As a result, although such a company may deliver better results than others, it can take longer to complete the development.

Higher Rates?

Higher rates are the most significant disadvantage to hiring a software development team rather than a freelancer. Although freelancers can be cheaper, the services of a company will almost always cost more. Company rates depend heavily on where they are located. Indians are known for their low-cost services in development. It will cost you a lot to work with US and Western Europe companies.


Outsourcing eCommerce development companies work in strict time frames, which is different from freelancers. You will likely have to wait until the following day if you need to fix a problem in the middle of the night. If there are time differences, it may take a few hours to resolve the issue, or you will have to pay additional hours. This could result in your online store or web services being unavailable during business hours.

The Key Takeaway

Make sure you weigh all your options before deciding whether to work with an eCommerce agency or freelancer. It can feel like you are putting all your eggs in one basket by working with a freelancer. Although they may be suitable for minor updates, it is best to work with an established company to produce a technically solid product.

It's not a good idea to have a master of none who cannot offer product support once the development process has ended. So many companies have had terrible experiences with websites that they've created themselves. This happened many years after the process was completed.


