Ecolutions: FOOD
Today's newsletter topic is food. For many in the US and around the world, there is a daily struggle to find food. For some especially in the US, there is a problem with food waste. I recently donated some cans to the food bank. PRO TIP I like to donate cans with easy pull tops so they do not require a can opener. I also gave a Burger King gift card to a group of homeless people I met at the bus stop. I prefer to give gift cards rather than cash because I know it will be spent on food. A few years ago I was on a low-carb diet but I had a reward at Panera for a free bagel each day. I decided that I would treat myself to one a week but I still went every day and got a bagel. I was living in Las Vegas at the time so I would give it away to someone on the Strip that was in need.
Years ago my Grandmother would tell the story about how she did not think my father was going well financially because my mother was using whole wheat flour. At the time you were considered well off if you could afford highly processed refined flour instead of whole wheat now, it is the complete opposite people pay a lot to buy organic products. In my opinion, you should not have to pay more for foods that are free of chemicals companies should naturally want to give you a healthy choice at the lowest price. It is better in the long run. It has always bothered me that the price of the apple fritter is cheaper than the price of the apple. This is something that needs to change in the food system. People should be rewarded for making healthy choices.
A few years ago Jamie Oliver had a show about wanting to make school lunches more healthy he did it in the UK first and then in the US with limited success. School lunch and feeding kids, in general, can be a tricky subject. My parents did not encourage us to eat anything with artificial color, flavor, or preservatives. I got very good a reading nutrition labels and ingredients as a kid. We grew up eating granola. We only got to eat sugar cereal when we were on vacation and would buy the variety pack. See below. Note they were called "Sugar Pops" now I think they have been rebranded "Corn Pops" and do they even make product 19 anymore?
The point is I am sure a lot of parents and schools want to give kids healthy choices but do they eat them? I remember a time that my parents let us have an artificial weekend where got to buy what we wanted. I confess on the second day I realized we didn't have any real food. My brothers were both picky eaters as kids but now they probably have more refined pallets than I do.
You hear the line all the time that eating healthy is expensive. I agree that is true but here are some tips that can help, but first a confession I do not make a list. When I go to the store I buy what is on sale or what I have coupons for. To me going to the store is a harvest. I start with the 99 cents store (newsflash, not everything is $.99 anymore) I am lucky that the ones by me even have fresh produce. Then I go to the discount store in this case Walmart because it is next to the 99-cent store and I don't have a car. Then if I need something specific to complete a meal I go across the street to the grocery store. What are your money-saving tips and favorite apps? Please #comment below thanks.
Food waste is a big problem and we all need to do more. My nephew likes to state that he does not eat leftovers I bet that when he is buying the groceries he will change his mind. Is there an Alexa skill that will help you make round 2 recipes from leftovers? if not there should be. You could ask your friends on social media for suggestions. If you have a big enough freezer you can cook things and save them. I like to make soup in the crockpot last week I made clam chowder and this week I made pumpkin soup but first for the pumpkin soup I made turkey stock from the leftover turkey bones from thanksgiving that were taking up space in the freezer. I used canned pumpkin that was on sale after thanksgiving. I had wanted to use fresh Halloween pumpkins but they had already become deer food. We could be much more to feed animals and plants our leftovers.
The last subject for this newsletter today is food packaging. I was on a great reusable plan pre-COVID and I am trying to get back to it now. I do try to buy in bulk where possible and bring my reusable bags to the store. I will also look a the packaging of products but confess it will still buy things in plastic if it is the cheapest price. Yes, I bought the stuffed pepper in a plastic container because they were $.94 cents. However, all things being equal look for eco-friendly or reusable packaging. Be aware of greenwashing one of my favorite examples is a bottled water company that reduced the size of the cap. One of the other things I have missed so much during COVID is water fountains but places have started to have bottle-filling stations. They are very popular at the airport.
I hope you have found this information helpful. Please #comment #share and follow #ecolutions for more tips and please share your own #freeadvice #linkedinforcreators
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