The Ecology of Culture ? 2021. ISBN978-976-96689-0-4
Dr. William Anderson Gittens D.D.
CEO & Managing Director, Author -Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing?2015
William Anderson Gittens, Author, Cinematographer,Dip., Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Podcaster, Publisher, CEO and Editor-in-Chief Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing ?2015
The Ecology of Culture ? 2021.?ISBN978-976-96689-0-4
The Ecology of Culture? 2021is an analytical scholarly cultural conversation which occupies the precincts of culture. This podcast is captured in ISBN978-976-96689-0-4 and framed in 15 chapters and verbalized in publication 229. The Ecology of Culture? 2021 is an ethos articulated and evolves around ecosystem and culture. Simply put an ecosystem is a culture which evolves around all of the organisms living within an area and the interactions between them and the physical environment.
What is uniquely interesting in order to be able to feed the world’s growing population, we need ever more food, which must be diverse, balanced and of good quality to ensure the progress and well-being of humankind. One of the ways this event happens has to do with the Bees way of life because they are renowned for their role in providing high-quality food (honey, royal jelly and pollen) and other products used in healthcare and other sectors (beeswax, propolis, honey bee venom).a bee's niche is making honey, pollinating flowers, and drinking nectar and its habitat is a forest or a field.
Bees are vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature. They provide one of the most recognizable ecosystem services, i.e. pollination, which is what makes food production possible.?The manner, approach and the way that the bees comport themselves?becomes critical link in this discourse because the work of bees entails much more! The greatest contribution of bees and other pollinators is the pollination of nearly three quarters of the plants that produce 90% of the world’s food. A third of the world’s food production depends on bees, i.e. every third spoonful of food depends on pollination.
Trees are equally important to the ecosystem for several reasons. Another critical aspect of ecology are trees without trees, human life could not exist on Earth.
According to the Community Forest Guidebook, 100 trees remove about five tons of CO2, and 1000 pounds of other pollutants within their lifetime. CO2Monkeys move around their home range a great deal. They travel daily to look for food. They won’t stay in a nest for very long so they don’t create anything elaborate. They use their bodies to help them move rapidly around looking for sources of food Parrots (Psittaciformes) have been viewed as efficient consumers of the reproductive structures of plants.?Through both antagonistic and mutualistic interactions with their food plants, parrots can exert cascading effects on the plants' life cycles and shape the structure and functioning of ecosystems. This brings into the focus of my lens the ecological role of orchids in the ecosystem has not drawn the attention which it deserves and is often undermined.
Orchids are known to be highly advanced plants, developing various contrivances to attract pollinators. Orchids are the indicators of the health of the ecosystem and their presence signifies that the ecosystem is vibrant and lively. The dependence of orchids on mycorrhiza for germination and pollinators (mainly insects) for their propagation are classic cases of interaction with other biotas in nature. In another phase of ecology are Marine ecosystems which are important sources of ecosystem services and food and jobs for significant portions of the global population. Human uses of marine ecosystems and pollution in marine ecosystems are significantly threats to the stability of these ecosystems. Marine ecosystems are important sources of ecosystem services and food and jobs for significant portions of the global population. Human uses of marine ecosystems and pollution in marine ecosystems are significantly threats to the stability of these ecosystems.
Moreover, much of the carbon dioxide causing global warming and heat captured by global warming are absorbed by the ocean, ocean chemistry is changing through processes like ocean acidification which in turn threatens marine ecosystems. Because of these opportunities in marine ecosystems for humans and the threats created by humans, the international community has prioritized "Life below water" as Sustainable Development Goal 14 to "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
According to?Kevin Lin, Leaves, twigs and pieces of bark that have fallen to the ground make up leaf litter. Leaf litter is an important component of healthy soil. Decomposing leaf litter releases nutrients into the soil and also keeps it moist. It also serves as great nesting material, hiding places and protected spots for animals. This dead organic material provides the perfect habitat for a plethora of organisms, including worms, snails, spiders, and microscopic decomposers like fungi and bacteria. Plausibly it is for reasons such as this that a leaf litter is considered very biodiverse.
Leaf litter is an important component of healthy soil. Decomposing leaf litter releases nutrients into the soil and also keeps it moist. It also serves as great nesting material, hiding places and protected spots for animals. This dead organic material provides the perfect habitat for a plethora of organisms, including worms, snails, spiders, and microscopic decomposers like fungi and bacteria. For this reason, leaf litter is considered very biodiverse. "Biodiversity" is a concept that refers to the variety of different life forms, from the genetic level to the species level. Species diversity in particular is a subcategory of biodiversity that refers to the number of different species represented in a set. The question maybe asked where can biodiversity be seen in our everyday geographical cultural space ? The response is natural when we look through our windows, sitting in the park and even hiking, The different types of trees, flowers and insects are all examples of a biodiverse community. In this expository there is the issue which is interwined with a concept that every abandoned building has a story about how it got that way, whether it's an?urban legend or the truth. Rotting, crumbling, or completely invaded by nature, abandoned buildings can be as creepy as they are fascinating. However, it should be noted that from ancient ruins uncovered underneath ash to hospitals that have been left to rot, there are a many abandoned buildings around the world and the history behind them included Barbados .
The 98-year-old Empire Theatre on Probyn Street, The City, which had been closed since 1975,The Barbados National Trust, the body incorporated by an Act of Parliament to be involved in the preservation of places of historic, architectural and archaeological interest and of ecological importance or natural beauty, has been doing its best to stay true to its mission. Of late, the Preservation (Barbados) Foundation Trust, has been doing its part to raise funds for the preservation of the built heritage of Barbados.?On Government’s part, we have heard of efforts to be made to restore the historic Empire Theatre building, in historic Bridgetown, our capital, that is now a UNESCO World Heritage.Like all insects and creatures, a dragonfly plays a vital role in the planet's ecosystem.
According to Victoria Picking An adult dragonfly contributes to the environment in two ways. Firstly by eating insects from the air to stop over population of certain species, similar to the nymph. Secondly the dragonfly is prey to other creatures such as birds and frogs, playing a vital role in the food chain. The presence of a dragon fly is also an indicator of fresh water. Interestingly, scientists also use dragonflies as an indication to how healthy a water ecosystem is. As dragonflies are low in the food chain, studying their numbers can quickly reveal a water systems health.
Soil is the link between the air, water, rocks, and organisms, and is responsible for many different functions in the natural world that we call ecosystem services.?These soil functions include: air quality and composition, temperature regulation, carbon and nutrient cycling, water cycling and quality, natural "waste" (decomposition) treatment and recycling, and habitat for most living things and their food. We could not survive without these soil functions.Soils are the environment in which seeds grow. They provide heat, nutrients, and water that are available for use to nurture plants to maturity. These plants form together with other plants and organisms to create ecosystems. Ecosystems depend on the soil, and soils can help determine where ecosystems are located (check out the Around the World page for more examples.) These plants then provide valuable habitat and food sources for animals, bacteria, and other things. A well covered soil prevents erosion.
Barbados celebrated "gully biodiversity" because gullies are the main local forested areas. Gullies in Barbados are homes to wild vegetation and animals. A gully is a winding ravine approximately 20 meters deep, which runs from elevated inland areas to the coast. They were originally underground caves and developed when the roofs of these caves collapsed over time creating a valley-like formation.
We all need the energy from the?sun which is transferred from?plants?to?animals?when?animals?eat the?plants.?Animals?also benefit from the?sun's?effect on their bodies, because?sunlight?on skin produces vitamin D, which is important in the formation of strong bones.?Animals?also get vitamin D by eating?plants.Sunlight?stimulates the growth of phytoplanktons which belong to the first trophic level in an?aquatic ecosystem?pyramid. If these do not exist,?aquatic ecosystem?would also disappear.
Overall, The Ecology of Culture? 2021is an analytical scholarly cultural conversation which occupies the precincts of culture. This podcast is captured in ISBN978-976-96689-0-4 and framed in 12 chapters and verbalized in publication 229. The Ecology of Culture? 2021 is an ethos articulated and evolves around ecosystem and culture.
Simply put an ecosystem consists of all of the organisms living including bees, orchid, monkey, parrots, soil, sunlight, leaves, trees, and water within an area and the interactions between them and the physical environment and without the ecology there is no culture.
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?Cultural ecology is a theoretical approach that attempts to explain similarities and differences in culture in relation to the environment. ... Developed by Julian Steward in the 1930s and 1940s, cultural ecology became an influential approach within anthropology, particularly archaeology.
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Gittens,William?Anderson,Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural?Practitioner, Publisher,CEO Devgro Media Arts Services?2015,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing?2015
?In Ernst Haeckel's (1866) footnote where the term ecology originates, he also gives attribute to Ancient Greek: χ?ρα?, romanized: khōrā, lit. 'χωρα', meaning "dwelling place, distributional area" —quoted from Stauffer (1957).
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