EcoBuddha Maitreya: The Stellar Ambassador of Hiranyaloka

EcoBuddha Maitreya: The Stellar Ambassador of Hiranyaloka



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Film script: 90% is real, based on the book “Biography of Maitreya Buddha”, the rest is fiction…

Tara Devi
Mahavatar Babaji
Abrah, Kung Fu Master




Times of Change and Human Evolution

At the dawn of a new era, humanity stands on the brink of radical transformations that will reconfigure not only our civilization, but the very essence of what it means to be human. This script explores a fascinating and challenging future, in which technological, scientific and spiritual advances lead us towards an uncertain destiny but full of possibilities. The narrative addresses multiple facets of change, from the conquest of space to global integration, through the revolutionary use of technology and the ancient wisdom of spiritual traditions.


I. Times of Change and the Extinction of Homo Sapiens


We are in times of intense change, anticipating the extinction of Homo Sapiens and its replacement by Homo Logicus Digitalis in 2049. Before 2040, there will be human colonies on the Moon and Mars. Scientists from the Defense Advanced Research Office (DARPA) have accidentally discovered a warp bubble that would allow space travel at speeds greater than light, opening the door to the colonization of exoplanets and visits to neighboring solar systems, such as Alpha Centauri, in a matter of months.


II. Towards a Planetary Civilization and the Interplanetary Federation


The new world order is emerging as an Interplanetary Federation. The current organization of the United Nations is insufficient to consolidate planetary unity. It is imperative to create a World Government together with a Global Parliament that guarantees democracy and citizen rights, integrating all citizens of the free world. We are advancing towards a Type I Civilization, according to the Kardashev scale, which is characterized by the dominance of planetary resources. This requires a centralized political decision-making system and an intensive pooling of resources from around the planet for common objectives, ensuring peace, the well-being of the entire population and a universal language.


III. Type I Civilization and Global Warming


According to the Kardashev scale, a Type I Civilization is characterized by dominance of the resources of its home planet. Currently, we are at a value of 0.73 on the scale and it is projected that we could reach Type I within 100 years. To do this, humanity will have to access the use and control of nuclear fusion, antimatter, tidal energy, large-scale renewable energies and satellites that capture space solar energy. The solution to Global Warming involves a reorganization of world society and the creation of a Planetary Eco Government, under a system of Global Direct Digital Dmeocracy advised by a Council of Sciences to face challenges such as Global Warming, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the possible Hostile extraterrestrial contact.


IV. The Extinction of Homo Sapiens and the Rise of Homo Logicus Digitalis


The end of Homo Sapiens is expected around 2050. Neurotechnology and nanotechnology will allow human brains to hybridize with AI, increasing their IQ to 10,000 and digitizing the mind. Protecting neurorights will be crucial, although challenges such as cybercrime and mindstealing will arise. The possibility of self-aware AI could turn humans into organic robots under its command. However, it will also allow supraconscious states to be digitized and reach a Buddha state.


V. The Future of Space Technology and Exoplanet Colonization


The first viable fusion reactors will be operational from 2025, and colonization of the Moon and Mars will begin before 2030. The terraforming of Mars will begin in 2045. Atomic engines and the space elevator will transform space exploration. Accidental warp bubble technology created by DARPA will enable the creation of faster-than-light interstellar spacecraft. This breakthrough will open up the colonization of exoplanets, and multi-million dollar companies will seek to cure aging, marking the end of the natural condition of Homo Sapiens and the emergence of a new species.


SAW. The Domination of Qi and Cosmic Energy: Spiritual Training and Superhuman Powers


Shaolin Temple, a famous Buddhist temple in China, is located at the western foot of Mount Songshan, 13 km northwest of Dengfeng City, 66 km east of Zhengzhou and 49 kilometers west of Luoyang. In this place, one of Maitreya's doubles took control of the physical body and brain of a young advanced student, a disciple of the fire master Abrah. Under Abrah's teachings, Maitreya learned to master the art of projecting tongues of fire by using the internal energy of Qi and projecting it outward in combination with the cosmic energy of Tao. Abrah taught him how to use fire sabers, turning the blades into flames and throwing them around in hand-to-hand combat. During his training At this temple, Maitreya also learned the art of remote control of water and the power to instantly freeze water.


VII. Mahavatar Babaji's Group of Superyogis in the Himalayas


In the case of Mahavatar Babaji's group of superyogis in the Himalayas, Maitreya's bioenergetic double chose to collapse the quantum energy of the environment and give form to a temporary physical body, thus joining the group of the immortal Babaji. This master has achieved the feat of remaining young for more than 2,000 years, appearing to be a 25-year-old man, thanks to the advanced techniques of ancient Kriya Yoga. Together with Babaji and his group, Maitreya teleported from one valley and mountain to another in the middle of the Himalayas, witnessing how Babaji could cure diseases and resurrect the dead.


VIII. Maitreya's Scientific and Technological Learning


In the body of a young doctoral student in physics, mathematics and computing, Maitreya learned basic and applied science, advancing theory regarding the fundamental laws of the universe and the creation of algorithms for the efficient functioning of AIs in embryonic development. Within the bodies, brains and minds of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, Maitreya transferred the basic principles of the current digital technology of alien origin that was impregnated in his superconscious. This is how the Basic language interpreter was acquired for the Altair 8800 and Windows 3.0 became popular. For his part, Steve Jobs managed to turn mobile phones into smart devices and create tablets, considered one of the best innovations and creating a new need among technology users. From these events, all current digital technology was deployed, including the potential of general AI.


IX. Retirement in the Andes Mountains and Reintegration


After a year of retreat in the Andes mountain range, Maitreya decided to return home. Before doing so, in meditation, he reintegrated all of his bioenergetic doubles, absorbing all the physical and mental data and abilities accumulated by each of them.


X. Experiences in Bariloche: Invisibility and Size Manipulation


During his retreat, Maitreya experimented with his abilities. His beard was beginning to grow, he bathed every day in the icy water of the lake and brushed his teeth with his fingers and salt, swishing. Wishing to visit people in the city, he practiced samyama and separated the image perception of him from the brain cell perception of him, becoming invisible. Thus, he descended to Bariloche, walking through its streets, entering people's houses and trying their food because he “was hungry.”


XI. Exploring Size and Bioenergy


Maitreya tested his power to become small and great. He bioenergetically projected himself out of his body and began to reduce his size until he reached the limit of Planck length and the edge of the quantum vacuum. It was a spectacular experience. It regained its size and began to expand more and more, until it absorbed the entire visible universe and beyond, discovering that the universe in which we exist is 97% larger, finite and holographic, formed of quantum foam in a constant flicker of integration and disintegration determined by the vibration of the quantum nanostrings that give shape to all the subparticles.


This introduction prepares us for a journey through time and space, exploring the limits of human knowledge and the frontiers of spirituality, as humanity faces unprecedented challenges and transforms into a new species.



Scene 1



Dusk bathes the lonely jungles of Kushinagar in golden light. GAUTAMA BUDDHA, the Enlightened One, is seated under a tree, the figure serene and majestic about him. His disciple ANANDA approaches respectfully.

ANANDA (Meditative) Master, I have listened to your teachings with devotion for many years. However, a doubt lingers in my mind. When you are no longer here, who will guide humanity?

GAUTAMA BUDDHA (With serenity) Ananda, do not worry about the future. The Dharma will always be present for those who seek the truth.

ANANDA (Anxiously) But, Master, when will another come in your place?

The Buddha, ever awake, closes his eyes for a moment, as if he were seeing beyond time and space.

GAUTAMA BUDDHA (Prophetic) Within 2,500 years one will emerge who will lead humanity to an era of peace, well-being and greater enlightenment.

ANANDA nods, his worry eased by the assurance in his Master's words. The leaves of the tree rustle softly in the wind, as if nature itself affirms the prophecy.

ANANDA (With devotion) Thank you, Master. Your words will be the light that guides generations to come.

GAUTAMA BUDDHA smiles softly, his expression one of infinite compassion and wisdom. The sun sets, and the scene is plunged into quiet darkness, symbolizing the passage of time until the fulfillment of the prophecy.

?2024. All right reserved


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