Eco-Sensitive Zones: Why do they make headlines?
Luxe Comfort Travels PVT LTD
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It was in April 2023 that the Supreme Court of India revised its 2022 mandate, which required at least 1 km of eco-sensitive zone around national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.
Eco-sensitive zones (ESZs) are areas surrounding protected areas like national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves. The purpose of these zones is to regulate and restrict activities that could harm the environment and wildlife in the protected area by acting as a buffer between the protected area and the surrounding human settlements.
Objective of creating ESZ
A major objective of ESZs is to preserve biodiversity and maintain ecological balance within protected areas. By protecting endangered species' habitats, preventing soil erosion, and maintaining the water cycle, these zones help maintain and regulate tourism activities, preventing poaching, and maintaining the area's natural beauty.
Activities Around ESZs:
Prohibited Activities:?Commercial mining, saw mills, industries that are polluting the environment (air, water, soil, noise, etc. ), the development of major hydroelectric projects.
Regulated Activities:?The cutting down of trees, the establishment of hotels and resorts, the commercial use of natural water, the erection of electrical cables, the adoption of heavy technology, pesticides, etc, and the widening of roads are all examples of drastic changes in agricultural systems.
Permitted Activities:?Practices such as rainwater harvesting, organic farming, use of renewable energy sources, and adoption of green technology.
Criteria to designate ESZ:
Extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone
According to the Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2002, an ESZ could extend up to 10 kilometers around a protected area.
Eco-sensitive zones can include even areas beyond 10 km width when there are sensitive corridors, connectivity, and ecologically important patches.
Moreover, even within a Protected Area, the distribution of ESZ zones and the scope of regulation may not be uniform everywhere, and they could be of varying widths and extents.
ESZ Significance?
The declaration of Eco-Sensitive Zones would minimize the adverse effects of urbanization and other development activities.
Through the core and buffer model of management, protected areas also benefit and protect local communities.
Eco-sensitive zones around national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and protected areas act as a shock absorber.
One of the ways ESZs help with conservation is in-situ conservation, or the protection of endangered species in their natural habitats, such as Kaziranga National Park in Assam's One-horned Rhino. ?????
The creation of eco-sensitive zones minimizes forest depletion and conflicts between man and wildlife.
In spite of this, establishing ESZs does not come without challenges. The process of identifying and notifying these zones is time-consuming and complex. Additionally, conservationists and local communities may face conflicting interests. People living in or near these zones rely heavily on natural resources to sustain themselves, so restrictions on their activities can make them feel economically disadvantaged.
Although ESZs face many challenges, they are important tools for protecting our environment and conserving biodiversity. To ensure sustainable growth, it is necessary to strike a balance between conservation and development. By creating eco-sensitive zones, we can protect our natural heritage and also benefit local communities at the same time.
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