Jon Rodberg
Senior Vice President Eden Outsource - Custom Packaging Design & Production / Fulfillment / Contract Manufacturing.
Over the past several years, "Sustainable Packaging" materials such as mail pouches, have been slowly, but steadily taking the place of corrugated shippers. Regardless if your company ships apparel, kitchen utensils, or even medical products, there are a world of pouch options to choose from. However, when seeking out "Environmentally Friendly" pouches, it's important to ask the following questions.
1.) Is it 100% recyclable??
2.) Is it made with recycled material????
3.) What's the total carbon footprint of the package (from the manufacturing to the distribution to the recycling of that package)
4. Are you using the least amount of packaging necessary to properly protect your product during shipment?
5. Is the package re-usable?
6. Is your package protecting your product from loss and damage?
Once you have the right package material, it’s time to let your customers know! A simple way to convey your commitment to sustainability is to make it easy for customers to recycle the packaging. By printing the How2Recycle label on the package, you illustrate that you care about where it ends up. You also care about making it easy for your customer to dispose of it properly and feel good about it. Those are strong messages that not only build brand loyalty but also provides your organization with easy way to enhance their sustainability program.
In addition to being eco-conscience, Eco Friendly mail pouches also provide a great opportunity to deliver your brand image and tell your story directly to your key audience! With 4 color graphics, Eden's mail pouches offer a world of opportunity for your creative department to work their magic!
Last, if you are using any form of non recyclable packaging, please allow Eden to help guide you to sustainable alternatives! In addition, mail pouches can save you in storage space, labor to pack, and to also reduce your transportation cost! In all, we trust you will find mail pouches to be an extremely beneficial way to uphold your bottom line profits!
For more information on the How2Recycle label please visit
If you are seeking to find more sustainable packaging solutions for your company and customers, we invite you to contact Eden Outsource at 949-455-0005 or simply send an email to [email protected] For general information about Eden, we invite you to visit
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