Eclipse of the sun as an Omen
The phenomenon of the eclipse is captivating.
At first, my thought was big deal, it gets dark for 2.5 minutes, we all get a drop in temperature, the tides change, the world watches, the scientists analyze and talk in terms we don't understand.'s cool, right? It's otherworldly, it's out of this world yet right here, right now.
My hope and my faith look with an instinct to interpret this more. Both of these (faith and hope are not seen) In one sense, we see how small and somewhat insignificant this portion of time is in the scheme of humanity. Two and a half minutes! My hope confirms that our generation is but a flash not unlike the eclipse. Our faith in the short progress of our civilization is that we have yet to see manifested what we mostly know together, the good, the better, the best that humanity already offers... and here add the great, the amazing and the magnificent that the divine has always offered. Whether in a business context or church, or education, as our institutions apply the hope and faith, change, inclusion and great, indeed does happen for the world. As Peter Drucker said, culture eats strategy for breakfast, lunch or for always, then our culture could begin to rise against that which we know is not good, and our culture will elevate to the best we can become. I can't get Steve Pemberton's words out of my head in this context. "I will cling with a clawed hand to the optimism that this divide will not stand". (Any divide in any context pre-eclipse.)
Maybe we only have to cling for two and a half minutes and now on the other side of the eclipse, we are all moving forward together....
Cling no matter how long it takes!