Eclectic Leadership
Eclectic Leadership

Eclectic Leadership

In last month’s edition “Leading from the Top” I shared some challenges and insights that leaders face going into 2024 including having a strategy for AI; standing out from the crowd; embracing green technology; and findings ways for effective growth.?You can read it here:


In this latest edition “Eclectic Leadership” I share a mix of breakthrough leadership concepts which I’ve experienced over the past month. I’m not suggesting these will all work for you, but I do hope you find them insightful.

In fact Eclectic Leadership means that you don’t have to ascribe to one single way of leadership. You are open minded to different possibilities. Importantly it allows for spontaneity, and a more natural leadership style to come through.

So take what you want from this edition to help develop your own natural style of leadership.

Topics I cover include:

  1. Mentoring – supporting others to realise their potential.
  2. Local Business – engaging and building meaningful relationships
  3. Mindset shifts to drive organisational change.
  4. Measuring the impact of your services
  5. Your Leadership Shadow
  6. Developing your teams in 2024
  7. Preparation - high performance routines
  8. Strategic Thinking for Leaders
  9. The power of gratitude
  10. Leadership focus areas for 2024 – being at your best

1. Mentoring - supporting others to realise their potential

I’m a big advocate of mentoring, particularly if you have the skills, experience and mindset to help others. It can often transform a person giving them the confidence to take action and move forward.

Over the past month I’ve provided mentoring to 7 individuals who are all on their own career journeys. Many of them are looking for tips and advise to boost their confidence and help them on the next stage of their career journey. Some are starting up their own businesses, some are looking to progress to more senior leadership positions in their organisation. This is all through the CIM where I am a fellow and professional mentor.

Common themes that come up with aspiring leaders when I’m mentoring are:

?? Perspective.

?? Building Confidence.

?? Career Development.

?? Validating & Verifying ideas.

?? Developing Leadership Skills.

?? Speaking up and being Authentic.

?? Improving Engagement across their team.

?? Communicating with more Impact & Clarity.

?? Overcoming Mental Blockers that hold them back.

?? Finding ways to show up with better energy & manage stress reactions.


Recently I’ve also registered to become a mentor for MCR Pathways . They are a charity that provide pioneering mentoring programmes to support young people (1) build their confidence, aspirations and social skills and (2) transform their educational outcomes & their post-school destinations

Pioneering Mentoring Programmes

Are you interested in becoming a mentor? ?If this interests you and you’d like to transform the lives of young people and help them realise their potential have a look here:

2. Local Business – engaging and building meaningful relationships

During my career I spent a lot of time travelling and working with global multi-national companies. This was fantastic for providing insights into varied international cultures, experience at mobilising international teams and building complex strategic partnerships. However, it didn’t really give me many opportunities to engage much with local businesses in the areas I lived.?

Now that I run my own small business and work with more small-medium organisations it means I really do need to engage and understand the local businesses in my area and the challenges they face. As a result of this I’ve purposefully decided to engage with more local business communities in Hertfordshire where I’m based.

At a recent Business Owner – Leader Mastermind Curry Club lunch hosted by Sanjeev Bhavnani I found myself talking about and listening to the hot topics faced by SMEs in my area. The? topics ranged from where clients are investing and what they are budgeting for, to how best to use AI to have a positive impact.

I also recently joined the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce and have joined a number of their networking events – I’ll be joining one of their nature conservation morning in February at Home Farm in Elstree.

Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce.

Remember your network is powerful:

?? It provides ideas and inspiration.

?? It provides opportunities.

?? It allows you to grow.

?? It gives you energy.

?? It supports you.

?? It's fun.

How do you engage with local businesses and networks and what has been the impact?

3. Mindset Shifts to Drive Organisational Change

I reflected on organisational change over the past month, particularly as I spend a lot of time working with leaders and teams that are often experiencing significant change. There are plenty of reasons for an organisation to go through a transformation. It might be the business is experiencing significant growth, entering new markets or rationalising your business.

They might also be huge pressure from external investors or partners and this can create a range of stress reactions from people in your organisation.

So I thought I’d share 5 mindset shifts which leaders might want to consider to give their organisation more chance of success when leading organisational change.

?? 1. Profit to Purpose: Simply speaking you focus even more on the ‘purpose’ of the organisation and why the transformation moves you in the direction of your purpose. This is much more likely to inspire your teams and give them the motivation and energy to make the change with you. If you get this right the profit will follow. I’m not saying don’t measure or set profit targets, but I am saying focus your communication around your purpose.

?? 2. Hierarchies to Networks: Many of the most successful organisations have had to adapt and evolve to keep growing. The traditional organisational hierarchies aren’t always that effective. Obviously as a business grows there need to be lines of authority to provide control, ownership and processes to make things happen. But in many smaller and more agile organisations the importance of networks is becoming more powerful – communities and groups that can support each other – help build confidence and understanding to do their jobs better. Networks allow the ‘grass roots’ and? ‘front line’ employees to be heard – their voice and opinion is appreciated. This is critical as the front line is where all the action takes place and you get all the great insights from customers. ?

?? 3. Controlling to Empowering: Creating an organisation where your leadership empowers teams and individuals to get on with their work and deliver in the way they think is best is very powerful when done well. Intent based leadership focused on providing direction to your teams (a purpose and outcomes) but then trusting your teams to make it happen. Critical to the success of this approach is creating Trust between your teams, and supporting them with any skills or knowledge games.

?? 4. Planning to Experimentation: The structural thinkers in the team will always need to see or build a plan when you go through change. This is absolutely fine, but don’t let it be at the expense of trying new approaches or techniques out which might just accelerate your transformation. Allow time to experiment and develop new ideas. Mix your teams up and encourage them to explore new ways of doing things. This might be tough for some teams to do – they might be stuck in their comfort zone or lack creative flair to come up with ideas.?

If that’s the case why not consider bringing in some external support to facilitate this process. It will accelerate your transformation and might actually be a fun way of building your teams.

?? 5. Privacy to Transparency: The days are guarding your major commercial plans and only involving you most senior leaders are dead. If you want transform successfully you’ve got to find ways of engaging more of your teams early in the process. You need to harness their knowledge, give them a voice and empower them to be involved in driving the change. To do this you need to share your ideas and plans for change. You might be amazed by some of the ideas your team come up with to help you deliver.

Mindset shifts to support organisational transformation

What shift in mindset have you made to deliver change in your business?

4. Measuring the Impact of your services

It’s always going to be tough for organisations to justify investment in your services if they can’t see the value, benefits or impact. You’ve really go to explore customers pain points as well as the value you can create. In fact loss aversion (behavioural science) tells us that customers are 4 times more likely to take action based on avoiding pain or loss, than achieving a gain. Many sales people are trained to use pain and gain questions with prospective customers to build awareness and likelihood of making a purchasing decision.

My business is focused on developing people and it’s not always straight forward to define the value or impact of the work I do. ?For me it’s is absolutely crucial to understand my clients, dig into the root causes of the people challenges they face and build tailored programmes that deliver the outcomes they are looking for. ?Here are a few of the outcomes my clients are typically looking for:

?? Improved confidence: Leaders are able to show up with more energy, and use tools and techniques that allow them to engage, motivate and lead their teams more effectively.

?? Greater employee engagement: teams work more effectively together because they understand each other better, embrace different perspectives, make better decisions and are more productive.

?? Enhanced business skills: individuals learn about the latest techniques and best practice to improve communication skills (e.g. presenting, virtual engagement, storytelling), improve daily routines (boosting energy, focus and performance), organisational skills (time management) and commercial awareness (value of what your business does).

?? Enhanced personal brand: Leaders understanding the impact of their brand and ?how to develop their profile increasing their influence, impact and improving business outcomes.

What’s even more rewarding is when a client gives you feedback spontaneously because they have directly experienced a positive outcome as a result of what you did with them. ?Here’s an email I received from a senior executive I worked with after recently completing a 6 month leadership development programme with them. This made my day as I’m so glad he’s experiencing the positive impact.

Hi Mark

Just wanted to drop you a note to say that the coaching works! ( but I’m sure you knew that already)

I’m on a two day workshop at a nation security event and to be honest I’m probably the least qualified in the room.

However using the skills you have shown me, I have realised that I do have do have a voice to be heard and (more importantly ) how to frame my comments to their best effect when considering the type of people in the room

Many thanks

Rob - Technical Director

Tailored Leadership Programmes - Heads Up and Freer

If you need support with Executive coaching or want to develop a leadership development programme for some of your team please do reach out. You can book a complimentary leadership call here: or visit my website to find out more:

5. Your Leadership Shadow

Every Leader casts a "shadow". I’m very conscious of the shadow I cast and am determined to optimise the impact I have on others.

So what is your Leadership Shadow? In simple terms it's:

??What you Say:

The way you set context, frame, emphasise and communicate all influence your engagement with others and ultimately your impact.

??How you Act:

Your behaviours, decisions and relationships affect how influential you are as a role model and leader.

??How you measure:

The level of accountability and transparency with reward, recognition and feedback influence the levels of trust and motivation in your teams.

??What you prioritise:

Your routines, who you meet, and how you are visibly seen to lead can be the difference between an inspired team or not.

What is the impact of your leadership shadow?

?? What "Leadership Shadow" are you casting over your teams in 2024?

If you’d like to discuss how you better understand your leadership style and how you show up please get in touch. I am able to provide an Energy Leadership Index Assessment which helps leaders understand their energy levels better and how they show up on a good day (energetic profile)? and a bad day (stress reaction).

6. Developing your Teams in 2024

Recently I worked with Simply Sustainable to support the team develop some very specific business skills which the teams had identified they wanted support with going into 2024.

I really appreciate Nicola Stopps for trusting me with her team earlier this month.

It was an absolute pleasure to spend the day working with the team developing critical business skills using a range of tools, techniques, business scenarios and breakout sessions on:

?? Communicating with Impact - both in person and virtually.

?? High performance routines - increasing energy, impact and performance.

?? Curious consulting skills - focusing on listening and questioning skills.

It always feels great to know you’ve had a positive impact, particularly when this is reflected in the feedback you get:

“Excellent clarity, weaving behavioural insights and knowledge to provide practical tools I can use in life and business.”

“It's fantastic; I appreciate all the work and preparation put into the workshop. I liked your positive energy and the way you engaged and responded to the group.”

“Very good content and effective breakout sessions. Mark ran it really well and was an excellent facilitator.”

“Really knowledgeable and made the topic relatable.”

“Really engaging. Gave everyone the chance to speak.? Managed the timings really well.”

Critical Business Skills with Simply Sustainable

?? How effective are your teams at communicating and what is their impact?

If you are interested in developing some critical business skills related to communication and engagement please do message me and we can have a call to discuss ideas.

7. High performance routines – Preparation

I often talk about the importance of 'preparation' in the work I do with clients. It’s one of the stages of high performance routines. To perform at your best, at the right time, you need to prepare and recover properly.

?? Preparation helps build your confidence and energy.

?? Preparation is a critical part of high performance routines.

?? Preparation allows you to uncover the root causes of challenges clients have.

?? Preparation enables you to tailor solutions to problems that are worth solving.

?? Preparation gives you the best opportunity of optimising your impact and performance.


I often go through a number of iterations of ideas, content and practice before delivering my leadership programmes – it’s because I want to do my best and maximise the impact I have.

Preparation - a critical part of high performance routines.

?? What are you doing this week to prepare and optimise your impact?

?8. Strategic Thinking for Leaders – Disruption

Sometimes it's hard to step back and really focus on potential new opportunities and value streams for your business. This is quite normal because often these new opportunities or value streams are going to cause your business significant pain or disrupt your business.

If you are experiencing disruption from creating new values steams it probably means you are going in the right direction. Keep going.

Persevering and pushing through the disruption is equally tough.

?? As a leader you need to be confident, resilient and energised.

?? Your teams needs to be motivated, aligned and engaged.

?? You need to know everyone has the grit to keep going and deal with the knock backs.

Strategic Thinking - 3 Horizons of Growth

?? What disruptions are you proactively embracing with your business over the next 18 to 26 months?

Sometimes we need support to lead change, manage disruption and keep persevering – if you need external support or would like to run a workshop on the 3 Horizon’s of growth to understand how you you better exploit new opportunities please get in touch.

9. The power of Gratitude

Gratitude is a very powerful positive emotion. There are many examples of how to activate this emotion and the positive impact it can have on your wellbeing and dealing with the challenges you face in life. Typical examples include:

  • keeping a Journal of things you are grateful for every day will transforms your mindset.
  • sharing a message of appreciation with someone you’d like will make you feel better.
  • In the moment pausing to reflect on all the good things in your life to get perspective and balance.

At the beginning of 2024 I spent some time reflecting on all the people I had worked with and supported in 2023.? I'm truly grateful to have worked with and contributed to their growth. I can't wait to work with more of clients in 2024 and support them optimise their impact and energy.

It’s also hugely rewarding and humbling to receive positive feedback from the different programmes I’ve delivered for clients.

Leadership and Executive Coaching
Tailored Leadership Development and Energy Leadership Index Assessments
Sales Leadership Training


10. Leadership focus areas for 2024 – being at your best

Here are five areas worth considering throughout 2024 which could elevate your leadership style, impact and performance.


  • 1?? ?? "Show Up" - maximise your energy - be present - optimise your potential - minimise distractions - manage stress reactions.
  • 2?? ?? "Mastery Mindset" - keep on learning - explore new things - know your trajectory - trust the process - & enjoy the journey.
  • 3?? ?? "Build Momentum" - take small steps - plant seeds for the future - build healthy routines - bounce back from set-backs - & be fearless.
  • 4?? ?? "Connect" - be authentic - be empathetic - be kind & generous - don't judge - & build proper relationships.
  • 5?? ??♀? "Take Action" - gain awareness - accept the situation - make choices - take decisions - take action to move forward.

Focus in 2024 - Being at your best

?? Or you could just jump on a skate board and fly down the road without a fear in the world

?? Thank you for reading this edition of Breakthrough Leadership.

?? I hope you were able to take some leadership concepts from this which will improve your confidence, performance and well-being.

?? If you'd like to know more about some of the work I do and explore how I could support you please get in contact:

Minnater Ammu

Attended Texas A&M University

10 个月


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