Echos of Unfolding Timelines
Eileen Bild, MA
CEO, Ordinary to Extraordinary Life, OTEL Universe, A Universal Voice | Founder, Core Thinking Blueprint Method | Speaker | Author | International Columnist | Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K Coach | Co-Founder, JETSet Music Media
I often contemplate life....
As an observer more so than a fearful participator in my everyday experiences, it peeks my curiosity as to why it seems difficult for my fellow humans to be at peace.
Although I understand we have created a way of living and being that requires certain stimulus for growth and sustainability. This includes, money, cars, houses, jobs and the nuclear family. However, with strategic planning and following the clues and nudges we are given on a regular basis, we can avoid chaos.
Perhaps it is time to reassess our values and what is really important. To find our true authenticity and bring together a tribe of humanity that truly understand the concept of unity. To press the STOP button, as we are forced to pause in these times of uncertainty and regroup in a way that as this unravels and rebuilds, we do not fall back into the same old patterns. Instead, we move forward with a new foundation.
History tends to repeat itself, however, we do not have to make the same mistakes. We can learn from times of stress to be more mindful of our decisions, what we think, say and do.
Consider the days ahead as an opportunity to recognize where you have been and who you are in the construct of the whole.
Are you living to empower others?
Are you doing your best to see the good in those who challenge you?
Are you thinking about solutions vs. the problem?
Are you taking action that inspires and can lead to success?
What changes will you make now?
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