eCHO News 56

eCHO News 56

eCHO news is your bi-weekly wrap up of all things eBPF and Cilium. If you want to keep up on the latest in cloud native networking, observability, and security this is your quelle

21st May 2024

In case you missed the announcement, Cilium + eBPF Day is coming back to KubeCon + Cloud Native Con NA. I'm excited to once again gather the community to discuss the latest developments in the project and hear about how Cilium is being used in the wild. If you need help reviewing your CfP, hit reply to this email and I would be happy to do so.

I'll be spending the rest of this week watching the Giro d'Italia (Italian Tour de France). Just like open source, cycling is a team sport. Everyone does their part like grabbing a bottle or giving a draft to help the team succeed. Reviewing your CfP or helping publish a blog post about Cilium is how I help the Cilium team succeed so always feel free to reach out to me if there is something I can do for you. I've got to go find Poga?ar so let’s ?? -gin.

The Technical

Optimizing Local Socket Communication: SOCKMAP and eBPF - "the latency reduces to 12.997 usec, which is a aprox. 30% improvement!"

Hello eBPF: Global Variables (10) - Adding support for global variables to hello-ebpf

Tetragon Process Lifecycle Observation: eBPF Part - See data go from syscall to CLI

mozillazg/ptcpdump - "Process-aware, eBPF-based tcpdump"

Raihan-009/IPv6-packet-filter-xdp - "a packet filtering mechanism using XDP (eXpress Data Path) for IPv6 traffic"



The Ecosystem

Networks Are Under AI Pressure: Can Cilium Provide Relief? - Problem solving rather than AI-washing

Cilium - Kubernetes CNI ????????????????????????? CNI - Intro to Cilium in Thai

Getting started with Aya and eBPF Part 1 - Three parts on writing a traffic generator and traffic shaper in eBPF with Rust

Introducing the Isovalent Lab Champion Program - Gotta catch 'em all!

CILIUM - SERVICE MESH - em português

Cilium : the future of cloud native network solutions ? - "Kubernetes isn't designed with an easy and "implicit" network management approach. This is where Cilium comes in"



The How To

Multi cluster networking with Cilium Cluster Mesh - Set it up with two kind clusters

Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) in Financial Systems with eBPF - "create an eBPF program to monitor DNS Requests"



The Video

Demystifying eBPF with Liz Rice: A Deep Dive into Kernel Programming and Security - Hear Liz's latest take on how eBPF is transforming our industry



The Events

What's new with Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium 1.15? - Webinar on May 23th

eBPF Meetup - Warsaw on May 24th

Virtual Workshop: Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium 1.15? - Virtual Workshop on May 30


The Tweet of the Week
