eCHO News 50
?eCHO news is your bi-weekly wrap up of all things eBPF and Cilium . If you want to keep up on the latest in cloud native networking, observability, and security this is your quelle
27th February 2024
This is episode 50 of eCHO News and also marks two years of sending out this newsletter. When it first launched, I was a month into my job at Isovalent and had no clue what eBPF was or really even how to write a newsletter. I wondered if I would even have enough content it fill it up ever two weeks and if people would just put it into the trash without reading.
Since then, it has been amazing to see both the growth of the newsletter and the community as a whole - sometimes I even struggle to fit all of the amazing content from the community into the newsletter! It's tough to say what my favorite moments have been, but I'll try to cover just a snapshot here. eBPF and Cilium both have Wikipedia pages (if that isn't making it on the internet, I don't know what is), eBPF has a documentary and the website has been updated and translated into six languages (with six more on the way), and Cilium is now a graduated CNCF project and the third fastest moving project in the foundation. I also love it when people come up to me at conferences and tell me they read the newsletter so it doesn't feel like I'm sending it out into a black hole. If you are KubeCon in Paris, please say hi. I might even be able to give you a copy of the eBPF Children's book. Many more irons in the community fire to get back to so let's ?? gin!
The Technical
Hello eBPF: First steps with libbpf (5) - "The hello-ebpf project will evolve to focus on libbpf to become a fully functional and tested eBPF user-land library [for Java]"
Snooping on libpam (openssh auth, passwd) with Golang and eBPF - with a Github repo to go along with it
Writing a scheduler for Linux in Rust that runs in user-space - "The connection with the kernel happens thanks to eBPF and sched-ext"
Netflix/bpftop - "bpftop provides a dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs. It displays the average runtime, events per second, and estimated total CPU % for each program"
The Ecosystem
Cilium Wikipedia page - Must be true, I read it on the internet
Announcing bpftop: Streamlining eBPF performance optimization - Who Watches the Watchmen? eBPF style
Isovalent Enterprise for Tetragon: Deeper Host Network Observability with eBPF - Understand bandwidth consumption, latency, and why its DNS?
How Software Networking Is Taking Over The World - Getting bespoke networking capabilities on commodity hardware
Kubernetes Networking by Using Cilium – Beginner Level - Networking in a housing analogy
Kubernetes Networking by Using Cilium – Intermediate Level – Part-1 - Diving into IPs and interfaces
How eBPF has changed the way I feel about observability - "eBPF is unveiling its potential as an observability gem"
Choosing the Right Routing in Cilium - Help deciding between encapsulation and direct (native) routing
The How To
Evaluating pod identities on an AKS cluster running Azure CNI powered by Cilium - Deploy a cluster and configure it to use a workload identity from Microsoft Entra
Cilium on a Private AKS cluster - Installing on the secret internet
The Video
Usage of Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) Rising with Bill Mulligan - Coverage from State of eBPF report
EBPF for the rest of us - Intro to eBPF from Federico Paolinelli
eBPF for Runtime Enforcement | Tetragon Introduction and Overview - Installation and basic usage
eBPF Supervision with Hubble - Hubble is helping Adobe "see inside the wire"
Cilium Multi-Network - Learn to connect your pods to multiple networks
The Events
Webinaire Tetragon - French webinar on March 5th
Kubernetes Networking and Cilium for Network Engineers - See Dan and Nico's webinar on March 7th
Cilium + eBPF Day - Coming back to KubeCon Paris. The schedule is out now!
The Tweet of the Week
As always, if you’ve seen a blog post, a tool, or anything else eBPF or Cilium related that you think the rest of the community should hear about, send them my way. You can either hit reply or join the #echo-news channel on Cilium Slack . You can also find all of the past episodes on the website .
Head of Sales | #K8s+eBPF (BYOC, Zero Config, Zero Code Changes, Logs,Metrics,Traces in 60 seconds)
9 个月Thanks Bill Mulligan Excellent content, and honored to be included. Lots of new browser tabs open after this post
Observability | DevOps | Data
9 个月Congrats on 50 not out!
Community @ Isovalent working on Cilium and eBPF
9 个月Content from: Amit Gupta Beno?t Entzmann Michael Vizard Peter McConnell Federico Paolinelli Adam Sayah Paul Trebe Daniel Finneran Jose Fernandez Dean L. Andrea Righi David Flanagan Nicolas Vibert Johannes Bechberger Michael Zappa Antonio Ojea