EBRI-MI 2024 Retirement Symposium — Thank You!
EBRI-Milken Institute 2024 Retirement Symposium — Thank You!

EBRI-MI 2024 Retirement Symposium — Thank You!

Thank you all attendees, in person and virtual, for an excellent Retirement Symposium! Take a look at the slide presentation from the event — the video replay of the event will be available soon, including a view from the C-suite, a talk from Kilolo Kijakazi of the Social Security Administration, a keynote speech from John Hope Bryant, and more.

This Week’s Fast Fact — Saving for Health Care Expenses in Retirement Can Be Daunting.

Health care costs in retirement can be considerable and may not necessarily be a salient issue for workers. To project how much Medicare beneficiaries may need to save to have a reasonable chance of meeting their health care spending requirements in retirement, EBRI built a simulation model allowing for uncertainty due to mortality and rates of return on assets in retirement, incorporating recent legislative changes and testing varying assumptions about Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans that Medicare beneficiaries may purchase. This week’s Fast Fact presents some of the top conclusions from the analysis of this updated model.

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