Ebook Addition
Born into the hood By Baby
Table of the Contents
1. How its like
2. How to Recognize it
3. Types of views for the hood
???A. Ghetto
???B. Violent
???C. Drama
???D. Attention
???E. Conflict
???F. United
4. Mentality of a coward in a hood
5. Life of O.G
6. Survivalist of the weak, normal, and downness of all
7. How to leave the hood
8. Save the hood
9. Build an Empire
10. Family Secrets
Introduction: What, When, Where, Why, and How!
???You don't know. You don't care. A child or adult? Female or male. Parents or son/daughter. Old grand parents. Who cares the most? Think hard. This is
not a bible not a step by step guide. The point and concept of this book is to create awareness. Where you are, How you recognize it and handle situations
to survive in the hood.
???This book is an intro to a view of a coward, a child, a kid, turned in a real man! Readers beware. One of the realest book based on true opinions,
facts, and life! Do not attempt anything in this book. Read with cautious. Not for entertainment but for educational purposes and stress free therapy.
1. How its like!
???Asking how and what is like? That's like acting how to kill yourself! No! You either recognize you in the hood or you don't. Life here is so isolated
like four walls in juvy, jail, or prison! Bring all you got, you only live once. You either rent a house or own one. You earn the right to know that you
love where you live. You plan and executed to find a place in the neighborhood for a reason. Don't let your views of thrill ruin you life views. You were
born into a life of freedom. Stay where you are and figure life out! There time for work and play. Also, time for leisure activities, goals and businesses.
???You weren't just born into something; go to school, work, and die. There's more to it than that. You gotta enjoy where you are. Find happy in a world
of isolation. You are not where you think you are at. Pay attention and learn. Enjoy every single moment of your life like there's tomorrow. Have a vision,
stay alert, and keep moving forward with a passion of a plan. Plan? its process and decisions in every step of the way. Dream? Do or die mentality. Very top
notch of a situation of danger!
???Now I got your attention. This beginning of a chapter is not new its old school news. The beginning seems like the end but actually is a beginning. It
varies who you are, what you want, and where you see yourself. Yes it always depends. Think flexibility with a love for knowledge. learning is non stop in
its existence. Being alive is not just breathing its a way of life
2. How to Recognize it
???I don't know how to start this. Its a book in itself. You gotta know yourself. Learn, fail , fall, learn, pause, take a break, keeps you going far in
life. The hood is not a hood of a car! its a structure of a background or like I like to say a strong foundation. Like a tree that has roots. You don't know
how strong it is until it gets cut down and the root shoots up. Then you are like what the heck. Shock that it took more work to recognize your allies
strength and weaknesses. Also, while the enemy lurks behind the scenes. The allie is the tree. the enemy is the thing that cuts the tree. Yes I don't know
everything. Don't know certain words or phrases. Life is not that detailed as you think. Learn to live and see the big picture.
3. Types of Views for the hood
???A. Ghetto
???Down and dirty, but also in plain sight of normal. You don't interact with people, don't recognize certain things, and usually do when negativity
hits. Like drama or negativity. The culture is different. Views of different mind sets, devours the soul if not carefully layed out. Layers of just pure
attention seeking. Now looking back at the title of this chapter. Not everything looks ghetto. like ghetto also means low life of society or weak and bad
reputation. Just to show who you are you know. You cannot judge a book from its cover. Can't look at a title or word and act like a know it all. Google the
word, learn from different views and meanings. The basics is all here in the book. the following advance stuff depends how bad you want to understand. This
works with anything in life not just a book about a culture in a neighborhood. Its about design, culture, decisions, and a way of life.
???I once heard the ghetto is like a neighborhood for of traps, people getting set up, getting jumped, stabbed, and even shot at. But in reality it
varies where you are and when you are able to see it. Why do you think there are cops. To be awareness and cautious to people that there is a group there to
protect them. But, when do you see cops? Very rare right? The exact fact is that you don't pay attention and miss certain things in life. Like heroes in
plain site or violence right around the corner.
???Let go of the mentality of rumors! Its like watching the news and see a cop point a gun at the subject yelling and screaming. However, you didn't see
the before scenes of cussing at a cop or the chase. That's life, you never know until you deep into the situation. This is out of experience. I don't
believe in rough drafts then final drafts like essay in writing a story. I love being able to speak my mind and give you the most fresh first most answer I
can give. Modify the errors later. Like a conversation to a friend. No rehearsal just plain expressing yourself and sometimes you vent with a passion. Talk
nicely or screaming like you a killer, but reality is? You being a real ass person. Weak but tough at the same time. Always on time like the tick and tok of
a clock.
???B. Violent
???You sure? When the last time you see violence? Let me lay out opinions. This going to be raw like the rest of this chapter, books, and etc. Now,
violence is getting beat up, stab, and shot at. Yes! its so obvious that sometimes people turn a blind eye. Usually regrets it later when they see the sign.
The definition of weak, coward, or tough guy. There's always consequences in recognizing something, letting things slide, and doing something about a
situation. You attract things by who you are. Law of attraction is a book in itself. This one is better! More raw! More street wise and relatable with a
different culture view in things. More specific? I don't know, but I'm catering to modern day heroes and man! Again another subject in itself with a
passion. I'm a passion seeking writing this. I want you to learn things within a heartbeat and use it when you need it. Not go around circles around a
subject and guide you to a point. That's storytelling, and this is too but another form. Yes, I dare to write I dare to do what I say.
???Look into people's eyes and you see different worlds of everything. Good, bad, and evil. Violence comes in different formats and views. Don't get too
caught up in dissecting every situation without a conscious. Get to know yourself really well. Be well rounded. Learn you, learn them, learn her, learn him?
Get it? Form the real you, define and break your enemies from within, Whose a bitch and whose an alpha? Not just outside look at who is female and male.
???Look up things on google with a shallow look. Learn basics and move forward if you like it or not. Go ahead and breathe. You got this far in this
book. Good! now continue. The design of this part is to turn negativity into positively just like that, instantly! You know it feels great to give back.
Teach, mentor, tutor, with a sense of going backwards but its not. Not just backtracking like when you do something, forget, and want to remember it really
bad like childhood memories. Its laying low and thinking things through. Up to this point its up to you to see if I get to the point or random. You can't
just read a book without understanding the author. There's many ways to read a book. Think hard and thorough!
???C. Drama
???This is like the previous chapter. Similar yet different. Never assume something so raw is the same. Like twins, they look alike but usually different
in certain ways. But you can see. Watch out for the ones you can't see. You gotta feel the vibe and energy. A life of its own. Remember this though! Showing
anger, sadness, and happiness is so easy. That's not what drama is. Wake up and smell the bullshit. Many cowards, bitches, and og's are who they are today
because they see through the bullshit! What bullshit you say? the drama part. Prepare for the worse but enjoy your time. Get it? I love writing something
and multi-tasking. Like say something and mean much more than that. Like a poem book I'm writing soon that relates to this book. Coming soon by world of
mouth. Takes patience, time, and thorough research like the hero you are. You come this far and you made a difference in your life. You got your hands in
this book for a reason. Nothing is ordinary and for no reason. You did it all by yourself. Get up if you are down. keep going if you are up in life. For
???D. Attention
???Attention to detail! No shortcuts and straight to the point. I don't want to hold your freaking hand. Be you be raw but unpredictable. Focus and lose
focus slowly. Improve your flaws and prosper. Think more with heart than the mind. Listen closely to the back of your head or shall we say your conscious.
Attract what you need when you need it. Don't overdue anything, don't burn out. You are all humans not a robot. With a soul and spirit so pure like blue
water. You never seen blue water? You haven't live my readers. I'll let that be known.
???E. Conflict
???Look! Going against bad or evil is a fight. It pushes back like a boxer or a killer in disguise. You can walk straight or go around. It lurks and
catches you slipping. Learn to deal with conflict, ain't that bad. Once you figure things out life is a piece of cake, with icing on the top. The more you
conquer our loses, demons, and fear. Life is more beautiful than you can ever imagine
???Unity? friends and enemies fight together? What sounds like new world order but nah its just neighbor hood watch with a given name from the jealousy
of their enemies brothers and sisters. Like ying and yang. Good and bad form together is unstoppable. Imagine no more heaven/hell just love and conquering
your fears. All in your mindset. Lead with your heart, understand what you know more than just one view point. Mix culture is going to out live old school
visions. I know and believe so. However, that old school grandma can probably whoop your ass with his mindset than you beating him up physically. One hit
wonder! like you think you won when you knock him out but you cheated and when he gets up he ruins you without a trace. You end up living a shitty life and
don't even know that old man looks old but is actually a genius disguise as an old man! What a wonderful batter! Epic!
4. Mentality of a Coward in the Hood
???I hate cowards with a W. Real shady, fake, manipulators. You call them family and friends. I call them fake and leeches. Real in the outside and even
sweet like sugar. Takes years to figure out and when you do they suck all the blood and soul out of you without you knowing it until its too late. Figure
things out takes too long. learn to pinpoint a situation, a person, an environment. Like I said, its all related and sums up to be as big as the universe
can handle.
???Curve balls outta no where when your life is straight balls. Yes! like baseball but the ball is complicated! Problems, successful moments,
relationships, places, people, and even things. Get all the value of life you can and be ready for the ball that you can't possibly hit. You heard it right,
that ball curves man, its hard to hit. I never said impossible. Open you minded to different things and another conscious. You see, I'm not just giving back
words I'm giving back a lot of things. I'm going to let the mystery introduce itself. I will hold you hand like never. In total I can turn anyone into a man
in any age cycle. I know I can!
5.Life of an O.G
???Og it up? Original Gangster? Old gangster?! Does it matter? Its still a title and top of the line gangster or mafia? Is it? Who else is gangster? Tons
of people listen to rap. Are they gangster? It always depends on their thoughts and actions. Prepare for wars with your mind and body. Things aren't what it
seems. This is really a spiritual battle. No not just angels and demons. Very obvious is not real at all. Its a sign a warning. You eat live and have fun
all the time and save the Earth once in a while or die slowly inside without a purpose? Yes I'm OG B, the best in the world. Told you this book is full of
knowledge, juice of reality, and discussion between a newbie and an og.
???Things just don't simmer when you're old. Old in experience I mean. Except that "I dare myself" to do certain things become noticeable and you tend to
understand yourself better. As you get to another higher vibe your life becomes easier and harder at the same time. At least you feel that way, whether you
want it or not. Things usually work in unusual ways for you to be yourself and make it in life.Regrets start with those that don't realize and then execute
at the right time. Realize what works for you and never stop dreaming.
6. Survivalist of the weak, normal, and downness of all
???A. Being weak
???Suits you! Weak is a way of life! Being able to carry yourself with a slight notice of no movement. Is a power move in life. Very valuable with time
and experience in mind. Geniuses realize things fast and know how to execute their values in idea's or their life style. If you know what I mean? I don't
believe in judging weak, because I know more than one weak to see it and its not what you think or feel.
???Once you judge the weak you'll soon realize the bigger exemption that there's ups and downs in life. No matter how weak one can change their attitude
in a split second. Attention and aware area decreasing every so often. Sometimes you realize it and it's too late. Like everything good in this life. Expect
a world of perfection on a 24 hour notice.
???B. Normal
???When you are born in something. Remember how you reacted when you realize you a human being? That feeling of solving your own mysteries and still be
you. You view of things, stamina in life, and the feeling of doubts. Nope its real and you are not always normal. There's always an option to be weaker or
better. I choose to be the best.
???C. Downness of All
???There is none. There's a reputation though, which you have to earn and fix, if anything goes wrong. Being a apart of a community is very rewarding,
Weather you participate in the drama or good summer day parties. It's all different, but it'll start somewhere. The business of the toughest is everywhere
and under your nose. People love to look good in our society, its one of the things they do best. From winning fights to calling shots, the slightest touch
of progress is absolutely normal. The bar is set so high you can't see it but like anything else in life, its not impossible. Aim high and barely aim low.
7. How to Leave the Hood
???You probably can and you won't. Easy option. You will never forget your favorite bestfriend, co worker, neighbor, hoods, and certain parts of society
due to the fact that you had a carefree world in sections and chose your favorite part of the day scenario and got it. Fair and square, depends if you see
it or not! Vice versa!
???I mean you were in a hood sometime in your life, but things doesn't seem to stick? Memories fade in our minds but later on we will learn that its what
effects the memory to get to what you see it as today. Might not be clear as ice for you but it comes with missing pieces. Starting all the way from the
basic, its usually unclear and its straight in front of you yelling and threatening at your utmost best. What do yo do instantly? Stay calm and handle it.
8. Save the Hood
???The hood is usually for neighbors that would grow up together somehow some way. Than make it and come back and help out the community. There will
always be neighbors around. Old neighbors that been there for years and even the ones that move out of the hood. However, I believe we are all connected.
what happens in the hood can help us with anything. Just a matter of time and who stands out and help the community the most. Almost like the neighborhood
watch team but more crazy ass projects to deal with. What happens here stay's in our heart and we end up doing big things in this world.
9. Build an Empire
???Are we all dreaming? Work and play for a reason? People I know that got out of the hood basically made it once they step foot out of the hood. Their
skin gets flaky and they change their characteristic and how people perceive them as. We live in a time where if we change? Then we got to give it our all.
It is like starting all over again and living a fresh life? However, its not fresh, you are relearning facts, and options that you usually never thought
about until its what you need at the right time.
???The right time to realize your life is going to be paradise. Is right when you do research to move to the hood or leave the hood. The middle phrase in
which while you live there. You get to see a life where you don't last long at. Either you fail, pass, or move on in life. It hep shapes you into a very
successful person. Weather you see it in the mirror or see similar faces that reminded you of the hood or your community. It will already spark a magic
thought to you for you to figure things out and enjoy your stay. Nothing good lasted, but you can choose to pass the goodness of things, from one thing to
???Humbleness is more than just piece of mind. It'll shape and relearn from your self being and mistakes. If you weren't there, no one will believe you.
If you have proof of where you been and what you have accomplish. Not that you show off but explain and seek things your way. It will then attract listeners
and certain followers that cater to your life. The main audience is our family and friends and other platforms. You have to think to find certain things in
your life and make it happen. Feeling peace and humbleness is a wonderful thing and something you sadly have to practice on.
10. Family Secrets
???Automatic personality and vibes wins most obstacles. The illusion of keeping stuff a secret is real. There's always consequences dealing with unknown
facts. The good, the bad, and ugly sometimes look alike. You understand my view at some point of a conversation, but not literally. The path less taken is
usually difficult. Multiple views needs clarification and the process is modern moderation.
???Alive, stay well, and sane. Part of a formula to take over your life. Demand enough so that you can enjoy every minute of your life. Controlling our
own life or not! It varies, because life is not what it seems to be. Can't judge a book by how it treats you. Learn to see the big picture. Secrets and
family lays side by side. I still value old school knowledge from certain individuals over books, standard education, or even the internet.
This is not the end. Defining a community isn't easy. Life moves on and things are complex. I don't care who you are and where you are from, we are one.
From time to time, dealings with a situation becomes a passion. Consequences are rewards. Situations are a topic to die for. Things are never what the mind
tells you on a daily bases. At some point the heart comes to the rescue. When you are in charge of your life, you think and feel different even if you
sacrifice huge choices in your life. At the end the world is a big place, you all have to start from somewhere. The starting line and finish line doesn't
seem to be what it is, if you know what I mean.