EAWOP Newsletter - September 2024

EAWOP Newsletter - September 2024

EAWOP Newsletter September 2024

Hello EAWOP Members,

We hope you had an amazing summer and got plenty of time to recharge! As we head into the winter months, we’ve got lots of exciting updates and news to share with you. Keep an eye out for what’s coming up—events, new projects, and chances to connect with our awesome community. We can’t wait to dive into this season together!

As always, we’d love for you to share our newsletter with your network. By spreading the word, you’re helping more academics and practitioners—both in Europe and around the world—stay connected and benefit from these updates.

EAWOP congress in Prague – May 21st – 24th 2025

Get ready to mark your calendars! The 22nd European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology is making its grand arrival in Prague in less than 8 months. This is your golden opportunity to contribute to the program, showcase in the exhibition or even become our partner. For all the thrilling details, head over to?www.eawop2025.com We can't wait to see you in May 2025 in the stunning city of Prague, Czech Republic! Let's make it an unforgettable event together!?#eawop2025

EAWOP congress – Abstract submission

Act now! Don't miss this unique opportunity to shape the Scientific program for the 22nd EAWOP congress in Prague. The submission is already open and it is open until November 15th, so it's crucial to submit your abstract promptly.?https://abstracts.eawop2025.com/

EAWOP congress – Workshops – Submit your proposal

Get ready for an exciting opportunity! You have a chance to contribute to our program with a pre-congress workshop. Hurry, submit your innovative proposal for consideration by our Scientific Committee. Whether you have a half-day or a full-day format, you're welcome to apply. Don't miss this exhilarating chance to share your knowledge and expertise! Full Call for Workshop is?https://eawop2025.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/EAWOP-2025-Call-for-Workshops.pdf Submit your proposal for a workshop here:?https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=cQIBRhY8F0Oo3WzNy55O1YM924nBpO9Np53yCgKU1GNUQlBHSllDSDdBNzBPRU9LQTNINjZRS0FEUi4u&route=shorturl

EAWOP congress – Call for Reviewers

Join the prestigious EAWOP 2025 Scientific Committee in shaping the future of our field. Your expertise is needed to review the intriguing proposals submitted for EAWOP 2025's scientific program. Seize this outstanding opportunity to influence this key event. Click here to read the full call for reviewers?https://eawop2025.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/EAWOP-2025-Call-for-Reviewers_final.pdf To sign up as an EAWOP 2025 Reviewer:?https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=cQIBRhY8F0Oo3WzNy55O1YM924nBpO9Np53yCgKU1GNUNEJVOVpGMkE4TlhBTEIyU1dPUEo1WUZJNy4u&route=shorturl

EAWOP Small Group Meeting “Challenges in Work Stress” – Public Part

We kindly invite interested researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to join the public part of the EAWOP Small Group Meeting “Challenges in Work Stress” via Zoom. Friday, 13 September 2024 (CEST, UTC+02:00)

  • 14:30 - 14:45 Welcome
  • 14:45 - 15:30 Keynote by Prof. Dr. Alexandra Michel
  • 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:00 - 17:30 Panel debate on implications for policy, practice, and research
  • 17:30 - 18:00 Farewell

Keynote speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Michel is the Scientific Head of Division 1: Changing Working World at the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Dortmund, Germany, and an Extraordinary Professor that the Psychology Institute, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. Her invited keynote presentation is titled "Addressing the challenge of flexible work designs: Interventions transfer strategies for policy and practice".

Keynote abstract: Flexible work designs provide a colorful mix of work at the office, at home, or other places. In line with assumptions concerning the impact of challenge stressors, flexible working can have ambivalent effects. This talk gives an overview about the ambivalent effects of flexible work designs. There will also be a specific focus on policy impact and transfer strategies to reduce negative effects and promote positive effects of flexible work designs. Thereby, the Flex Ability intervention approaches (https://www.baua.de/EN/Service/Publications/Guidance/A110-2) and empirical evidence of their effectiveness will be presented aiming to enable workers and teams to organize their flexible work in a resourceful and healthy way. The keynote presentation will be followed by a coffee break and a debate on implications for policy, practice, and research. The panel debate will be moderated by Sabine Bergner (University of Graz). Barbara Huber (AUVA) and Paul Jiménez (B?P & University of Graz) will discuss on site and Sonia Nawrocka (European Trade Union Institute) and Agnès Parent-Thirion (Eurofound) will join in online.

Interested? Please register via the following link until Thursday, 12 September 2024:?https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/b/0c54a05096ac1b3bcdb7bb9a700cdca1-358951

Sunny greetings from Graz! Roman Prem and Bettina Kubicek Organisers of the Small Group Meeting

Small Group Meetings – Call for proposals – Deadline September 15th

EAWOP’s mission is to promote and support the development of Work and Organizational Psychology in Europe. One obvious way to do this is to get work and organizational psychologists from across Europe together to explore mutual interest and build collaborative networks.

With this purpose in mind, EAWOP has been funding regularly Small Group Meetings (SGM), which are small-scale research or practice-oriented conferences for 20-25 participants with an international group of delegates that aim to stimulate contact between EAWOP members, and to develop cross-national collaborative networks within Europe. As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering meaningful connections and driving innovation, we are excited to introduce a new series of strategic collaboration meetings aimed at bringing together leaders and influencers from various associations and groups of interest in Psychology to forge powerful partnerships and collaborative initiatives in the field of work and organizational Psychology

The EAWOP Executive Committee (EC) is happy to announce the opening of a new call for SGM proposals. It is proposed to support up to three Thematic Small Group Meetings and one Strategic Small group meeting.

The EC is seeking proposals for intensive, multi-day SGMs with an international range of delegates in which members of EAWOP play an active part. EAWOP members interested in organizing a SGM are invited to submit a proposal to the EAWOP EC by the deadline on September 15th, 2024Please check the conditions and submission guidelines at?https://eawop.org/calls

Celebrating Over a Decade of Collaboration: Host the 10th EAWOP Early Career Summer School in 2026!

EAWOP is proud to continue its strong tradition of organizing the biennial EAWOP Early Career Summer School in Advanced Work and Organizational Psychology. This prestigious event aims to foster intra-European research collaborations and support the development of promising researchers in the field.

The summer school offers a unique opportunity for young researchers to connect with peers and prominent professors, discuss their work, and explore various aspects of being a researcher. Previous editions have been hosted by esteemed research groups in Berlin (2008), Valencia (2010), Zurich (2012), Azeit?o (2014), Birmingham (2016), Heraklion (2018), Durham (online, 2021), Cyprus (2022), and Edinburgh (2024).

Our 10th, jubilee edition will take place in the summer of 2026, and we are excited to invite research groups to host this special event. If you are interested, please express your intent by November 13th, 2024. Send a short email to Eva Derous, outlining the proposed organizing committee, location, and timing. The EAWOP Executive Committee will make and communicate decisions by the end of November.

For more information, visit our website or contact EAWOP Executive Committee member, Eva Derous at [email protected].

Join us in celebrating more than a decade of collaboration and contribute to the future of Work and Organizational Psychology!

Worklab Webinar October 9th - Victims, Villains, and Vigilantes in the Age of Soft Crimes

We’re thrilled to announce that Professor Karl Aquino will be leading our next online EAWOP WorkLab on October 9, 2024! This session will dive into the complex roles of victim, villain, and vigilante in the workplace, exploring how these social types emerge, interact, and influence workplace dynamics.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain fresh insights into the subtle forces shaping work environments.

Register now:?https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/973036216517?aff=oddtdtcreator

Developing an evidence based coaching approach for purposeful conversations - Workshop in Lisboa October 31st – November 2nd

There are only two places left (as we write this) for the WorkLab workshop taking place in Lisbon from October 31 to November 2.? Register now to join Professor Rebecca J Jones and Verity Hannell from Henley Business School for an in-person experience that explores coaching through an evidence-based lens.

In this workshop, you’ll learn when coaching can be most effective, explore various coaching models, and take part in hands-on activities to sharpen your listening and interaction skills—tools that can be applied in a wide range of professional settings.

WorkLab is known for offering tailored training for experienced practitioners.? Don’t miss out—book your spot now:?https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/911267544757?aff=oddtdtcreator

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

Special Issue on “Understanding and improving hybrid working environments” Extended abstract submission deadline: 30th September 2024

Special issue editors:

Reminder! The deadline is approaching to submit your extended abstract for the EJWOP special issue on Understanding and improving hybrid working environments.

More information here:?https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/understanding-and-improving-hybrid-working-environments/

Please submit your extended abstracts via e-mail to the special issue editors!

Hello from OPR!

Consider submitting your high-quality conceptual papers, conceptual reviews, and meta-analyses on AI to our current special issue Artificial Intelligence at Work and Organizational Psychology: Are Our Theories Ready? The deadline is 25th October 2024.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to have a significant impact on work and organizations, which accelerated with introduction of applications such as ChatGPT. What does that mean for our existing theories and development of new theories?

We invite original conceptual papers, conceptual review papers, and meta-analyses that contribute to our theoretical understanding of AI in Organizational Psychology and related fields. Papers that integrate interdisciplinary perspectives are definitely welcomed, with the expectation that Organizational Psychology and related fields will be a conceptual anchor in manuscripts that integrate or draw upon multiple perspectives. OPR also welcomes methodological contributions that add to theory.

Looking forward to receiving your papers! If you have any questions, please email us.

Full call details: https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/PDF/Special%20Issue%20Call%20on%20AI%20(OPR)-1712564120.pdf

With best wishes from our guest editor team: Chester Spell, Andreas Wihler, Guido Hertel and Ilke Inceoglu

That is it for now, until the next Newsletter, you can find us n?LinkedIn,?Facebook, and?X (Twitter). We wish you a wonderful week!?




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