EAWOP Newsletter - June 2024

EAWOP Newsletter - June 2024

EAWOP Newsletter June 2024

Greetings EAWOP Member, We trust this newsletter finds you in good spirits, eagerly anticipating the weekend ahead. Your continued engagement is invaluable to us, and we extend our heartfelt appreciation. Last month we reached 5000 followers on LinkedIn! We kindly urge you to spread the word about our newsletter within your network. By doing so, you help ensure that the benefits of these updates reach fellow academics and practitioners not only in Europe but across the globe.

The EAWOP Impact incubator – new content

The accelerating cost of living crisis has resulted in increased visibility of precarious work not only by academics seeking to understand it, but also in the media across the world.

In May 2024, the EAWOP impact incubator brought together key academics in the field of psychological science to discuss the impact and consequences of precarious work on workers, organisations, and societies. The webinar featured five short talks as part of EAWOPii’s new campaign “POW 2 POW”. The topic is seeing increased attention from policymakers and organisations looking to understand how to prevent citizens and workers from shifting into precarity. The five talks can be viewed on EAWOPii’s YouTube channel https://bit.ly/341gDmf and the accompanying five leaflets can be downloaded from the website: https://www.eawopimpact.org/pow-2-pow

Call for proposals for co-creation activities that bring together researchers and practitioners to develop solution-oriented initiatives.

We are excited to announce a call for proposals for co-creation activities that bring together researchers and practitioners to develop solution-oriented initiatives. This is an excellent opportunity for EAWOP members to collaborate and create impactful products that can be presented at the next EAWOP Congress. These initiatives aim to develop solution-oriented projects with meaningful impact. Here are some examples of products or activities: Training Programs or Workshops: Develop training programs or workshops that address specific challenges faced by organizations or practitioners. These could focus on enhancing leadership skills, promoting well-being, or improving team dynamics. Assessment Tools or Surveys: Create surveys or innovative assessment tools that help organizations to respond to their assessment needs (for example, for talent management, evaluate employee engagement, job satisfaction, or organizational culture). Best Practice Guidelines: Collaborate to develop evidence-based best practice guidelines for specific organizational processes. For example, guidelines on effective performance appraisal systems, selection tools, diversity and inclusion practices, or change management strategies. Technology Solutions: Propose innovative technology solutions that enhance work processes or employee well-being, for example. This could include developing mobile apps for stress management, virtual reality training modules, or AI-driven tools for talent acquisition. Intervention Programs: Design and implement intervention programs aimed at improving work-life balance, reducing burnout, or enhancing organizational effectiveness. These programs can be tailored to specific industries or contexts. Objectives The primary objectives of this call are:

  1. To foster collaboration between researchers and practitioners (organizations, consultancies, or public bodies) in developing solution-oriented initiatives.
  2. To support the creation of implementable products or solutions in the broader sense.
  3. To provide a platform for the dissemination of these co-created initiatives at the next EAWOP Congress.
  4. To showcase such solutions in the EAWOP impact incubator

Funding and Eligibility

  • Successful proposals will receive up to 3500€ in funding to support the co-creation activities.
  • The proposals must include both researchers and practitioners as key members of the project team.
  • At least 50% of the project team should be EAWOP members.

Proposal Requirements Your proposal should include the following:

  1. Project Title and Abstract: Provide a concise overview of your proposed co-creation activity, including the problem or challenge you aim to address, the key objectives, and the expected outcomes.
  2. Project Team: Introduce the members of your project team, including their roles, affiliations, and relevant expertise.
  3. Project Description: Describe the co-creation activity in detail, including the planned methodology, timeline, and the specific product or solution you aim to develop.
  4. Potential Impact: Explain how the co-created initiative can have a meaningful impact on the field of work and organizational psychology, and how it aligns with the broader goals of EAWOP.
  5. Budget: Provide a detailed budget outlining how the 3500€ funding will be utilized to support the co-creation activities.

Submission and Evaluation Proposals should be submitted to [[email protected]] by 16.09.2024. The proposals will be evaluated by a review committee based on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the call's objectives
  • Strength of the project team and their expertise
  • Feasibility and clarity of the proposed co-creation activity
  • Potential impact and relevance to the EAWOP community


  • Proposal Submission Deadline: 16.09.2024
  • Notification of Successful Proposals: 16.10.2024
  • Co-Creation Activity Period: 16.10.2024 - 30.04.2025
  • Presentation at EAWOP Congress: 21-24 May, 2025

We encourage all EAWOP members to take advantage of this exciting opportunity to collaborate and create impactful solutions. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at [[email protected]].

Hello from OPR!

We have an exciting new special issue call titled “Artificial Intelligence at Work and Organizational Psychology: Are Our Theories Ready?” up and running. Special issue editors are Ilke Inceoglu, Chester Spell, Andreas Wihler and Guido Hertel. Submission deadline is October 25th, 2024. Here is the full call: Special+Issue+Call+on+AI+(OPR).pdf (sagepub.com). We look forward to your great contributions!

InPractice news

We are delighted to share our first 2024 issue of InPractice with our readers. The key theme in this issue is individual and societal growth through work and organizational psychology (WOP). The issue features a broad variety of contributions ranging from interviews to career path journeys, empirical contributions, and practice spotlights. The contributions in this issue address several crucial questions concerning the role WOP plays in supporting the growth and development of the disadvantaged individuals in society, as well as that of employees in organizations. The issue also offers plenty for self-reflection with contributions focusing on what it means to be a work and organizational psychologist from academic and practitioner perspectives and to develop the future of WOP.? You can find all the articles here: https://openjournals.ugent.be/ewopinpractice/

We hope reading this material will stimulate you to want to write for InPractice about your applied work, tools you use, your research or career path. Contact us via [email protected]. We are delighted to talk through your ideas.

EAWOP WorkLab 2024

Details of this year’s WorkLab program for practitioners are now available on the EAWOP website.? Coming up on July 12th we have a webinar on Neurodiversity and Work.? Professor Almuth McDowall from the Centre for Neurodiversity Research at Work at BirkBeck University will look at some key priorities for people organizations and research in the light of her recent survey results looking at neurodivergent workers.?? You can sign up at? https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/neurodiversity-at-work-and-in-business-tickets-920931118767?aff=oddtdtcreator The event is free for EAWOP members and constituent members can nominate up to 5 of their members to attend for free. Registration is also open for our November residential program on Coaching lead by Professor Rebecca J Jones.? Book now for early bird rates:? https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/911267544757?aff=oddtdtcreator

Hybrid course – Online and in presence at the University of Bergamo, Italy - Introduction to Latent Change models with Structural Equation Modeling in Mplus – 2nd – 4th September 2024

This course aims to develop participants’ skills in analysing Latent Change models using Mplus. Participants will be able to analyse longitudinal data to investigate change over time and interpret the results obtained appropriately. This is an in-person course and will be also live-streamed online. Regarding teaching methods, it will combine frontal lessons with practical exercises with real data. The course will be open to national and international PhD students and Faculty members in need to improve their analytic skills in Latent Change Models with structural equation modelling. It will be organized in two and a half days including 5 working sessions. Basic knowledge in multiple regression is required. Application The applications will be selected on specific requirements, considering the overall number of participants. DEADLINE: 30th of JUNE 2024. To apply fill in the form and send it to [email protected] with the object “application for Latent Change Models course”. https://aipass.org/formazione/introduction-to-latent-change-models-with-structural-equation-modeling-in-mplus-2-4-september-2024/

That is it for now, until next Newsletter, you can find us on LinkedIn, Facebook and X (Twitter). We wish you a wonderful week, EAWOP EC


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