Eating Our Own Dog Food: NoGrunt’s Testing Journey

Eating Our Own Dog Food: NoGrunt’s Testing Journey

In the dynamic world of software development, staying ahead requires a good execution strategy. It mandates rigorous testing, ensuring that the code stands up to the challenges of real-world application. At NoGrunt, we firmly believe in practising what we preach. We eat our own dog food.

Initially, testing for our web application used to be a time-consuming affair, spanning over 3 hours. The need for precision in every test scenario and the complexity of our platform made swift testing a challenging task. However, with the integration of NoGrunt into our testing workflow, we witnessed a remarkable transformation. With parallel testing it is seamlessly done in a mere 35 minutes. We execute 200 test scenarios with every release, a feat made possible by the efficiency of NoGrunt. As we venture into releasing new features twice a week, the ease with which NoGrunt ensures their reliability cannot be overstated.

Effortless Releases with Feature Flags

What once posed challenges in terms of coordination and synchronisation now flows effortlessly. With NoGrunt, we've streamlined our release process. We use feature flags to turn on features that are ready, run the regression suite along with any newer tests and voila 35 odd minutes later we have a go no go decision to push the release to production.

Empowering Reliability

This transformation is not merely about speed; it's about the confidence it instils. NoGrunt has become our reliable partner in ensuring that every new line of code doesn't just fit into our system; it seamlessly integrates, enhancing our platform's robustness. Our developers are now released from the constraints of prolonged testing periods, enabling them to focus on what they do best – innovating.

Our journey with NoGrunt stands testament to its effectiveness. Beyond being just a tool, it has become an integral part of our development DNA. As we eat our own dog food, we don't merely validate our product; we value its potential. NoGrunt’s parallel testing has not only saved us time but has become the base of our reliability.



