Eating my own words!
Some time ago I wrote about making a cake without any ingredients, it was a poor analogy relating to getting new business without a story, reason, content or collateral. If you want to rip it apart you can read it here, let me know your thoughts.
Now, I still do advocate that without a viable story and a strong reason to engage with potential clients, your job is incredibly difficult. But recently we've been generating some great results for clients, with not a lot to go on.
Now, this isn't for everyone, and at no point will I say this is the answer to all of your problems, but, would you say no to -
- Reaching up-to 1000 of your ideal clients a month
- 300-700 additional LinkedIn connections a month
- Building your reputation as an industry thought-leader among those growing connections by publishing posts to your LinkedIn profile
- 3-4 warms leads a week
As I say, this isn't for everyone, but it might be right for you.
So, if you want to find out more, drop me a line, it won't break the bank and you'll be surprised by the results.
07979 861028