E.A.T. Your Way To Page One of Google
GOOGLE QUALITY EVALUATOR GUIDELINES DESCRIBE E.A.T. AS EXPERTISE. AUTHORITATIVENESS. TRUSTWORTHINESS. Simply put, your website has to be well-conceived, well-written and highly documented.
“Phoning it in” is not going to work. Now do you begin to understand how important spending time and money on your website is to the success of your business regardless of size and market? Every month your site has to get better and better or it will be leapfrogged by a competitor.
So, let’s E.A.T. and be sure to develop:
E=Expertise. What your company’s core values are and how they translate into benefits for the prospective shopper?
A=Authoritativeness. How do others see you? Are you a member of BBB? Your local Chamber? Member of state association? Receive any awards from newspapers, TV stations, opinion polls?
T=Trustworthiness. Why should the customer trust your company? What can you show them to make them believe in spending their money with you? How do your customer reviews stack up?
Google employs over 10,000 “raters” worldwide to check up their guidelines for Search. These are people working out of their homes using a Google Tool to rate sites for these factors and many more. If you can meet their standards, your site will be rewarded in page rank.
Onward and upward!
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