Delicious yummy…dishes in front of your eyes are irresistible. Anyone and everybody loves a feast. And in the present scenario, the interest for trying new delicacies from around the world has increased fourfold due to internet and social media.
Each and every person have got opportunity to show cast their culinary skills even from remotest of place. Thanks to social media…even home chefs, whose talent was limited to home kitchen are able to show their talent. Thanks to social media, we all have become accessible to the world and even little talent can get us respect and money. If it’s not restaurant, almost all ingredients to prepare most difficult food are available at our door step.
But now the issue is…with variety of cuisine around us, how to control our hunger pangs? ?It’s really not that easy. But to eat healthy is need of hour. So what is the solution? How to control ourselves?
Few tips can be tried…
1.????? Always start with a soup…this fills your tummy little.
2.????? Try to eat a little salad…fiber tantrums.
3.????? In case of buffet, there are two options:
·??????? Either just fill your plate with your favorite dish and just eat it…nothing other than that. Get up and leave the restaurant…if you can’t control yourself.
·??????? Or just take every other items/dish in little quantity and your favorite at equal quantity but ----eat it at last. Eating your favorite at last will make u feel, u ate what u love. That taste will remain in your tongue and heart for long period of time that day.
·??????? STOP and divert your mind. Start watching your favorite song, call someone…anything apart from FOOD.
4.????? In case you are preparing a dish at home, eat it out by heart at one go – remember nothing other than that at your palate, but again you have to follow two things.
·??????? Try eating your favorite dish in afternoon, as you get advantage of burning it the remaining day.
·??????? You will not take anything for dinner, except salad or soup…with almost no salt.
·??????? You will definitely take extra 15 minute walk that day.
5.????? Only one day in a week needs to be kept special day for treat. You should not succumb to any temptation by your family member. Be disciplined.
6.????? Remember your diet is not same as others. Your kids will order as per their age; you are not allowed to eat their meal. They have different metabolism.
7.????? Also never ever keep your favorite dish to be taken at next meal. If its left, give it to someone. You take it as a privilege, you got to eat at same time. No storage in fridge business. LOL.
8.????? Beverages are all day favorites. To immediately stop some eating habit is the worst thing. The moment you feel deprived – you create resistance. Slowly and steadily stop adding sugar or salt to your drinks. Try drinking the beverage for its originality.
9.????? Shift at slow pace to healthy snacks…Go for zero salt or zero sugar snacks. “DIET” or “SWEETNER” word mentioned in packages, do more harm than good, as we tend to consume them in large quantity thinking they are not harming us.
10.?? TRY TO CHOOSE A HEALTHY LIFE OVER YOUR TASTE BUDS…rest is destiny, but what is under your control, you should opt for it.
Dear Readers, if we live a life by keeping a balance over everything, we definitely will feel satisfied. ANYTHING IN EXCESS IS NOT RIGHT. Choose your meal in disciplined manner. Don’t eat as if you are going to another planet next moment. It’s your life and your body. If you suffer later, it is your pain, which you have to undergo. No family member will be able to help you that time.
Eating smartly is the trick. Eat everything but in parts. Keep yourself looking ahead for eating your favorite, irrespective of its unhealthy ingredients and calories, once in a week. The remaining weekdays, try eating light food prepared at home.? Encourage homemade tiffin’s. There is unlimited home cooked option available in internet. If preparing food is not possible, try ordering food which is home cooked. Instruct them to prepare it with minimum oil and spices.
We know when we are cheating our health. All the health troubles related to food, if it begins, are hard to control even with medicines. So it’s better, we do what the top doctor and nutrionist advises…Healthy food, exercise and yoga for overall health.
Think on it!!!