Eat more NOT DEGRADED Fruit
Prof Guy Van Elsacker DrSc - Biomed Expert
External Consultant at ECDC - European Union
When you were a child, I bet your mother told you to eat your fruits and veggies...and now that you're "older" you see that same advice coming from all of the health outlets, of course...
My friend Nutritionist Dr. Dennis Clark looked to it in detail. Here is his conclusion which he shared with me .
Qoute: Dear Guy I'm writing you to let you know that actual fruits and vegetables may NOT be providing ENOUGH nutrients to prevent diseases and premature aging...
Here are 4 big reasons why...
#1 Soil Depletion A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutritionfound “reliable declines” in the amount of protein, vitamins and minerals for 43 different fruits and vegetables over the past 50 years.
#2 Storage and Shipping The long shipping and storage time between harvest and market degrades the plant nutrient content further. Did you know that the tomatoes at your supermarket were picked 1-6 weeks ago? And that apple was picked 6-12 months ago!
#3 Chemical Pesticides Antioxidants are the substances in plants that protect cells from the effects of aging. A study published in the Journal of British Nutrition found that organic fruits and vegetables have 20% - 40% higher antioxidant activity that those sprayed with chemical pesticides.
#4 Genetic Modification An estimated 80% of food crops are now genetically engineered. A long-term study conducted at the University of Caen in France shows that a lifelong diet of genetically modified foods may be associated with tumors, organ damage and premature death in lab mice.
With so much stacked against fruits and veggies these days, health-conscious baby boomers must find creative ways to get the nutrients their cells and the cells of their loved ones need. Unqoute
Dear Guy I know you are studying very hard these declination of fruit and vegies and I like the approach on cellular and genetic level you are bringing up. You get my full support to proceed in this study.
Feel free to use my information letter in your networks to your followers
Kind Regards
Dr. Dennis Clark