Eat less, weigh less, feel happier!
Karen Bartle
Behavioural Change Specialist @ Dietary Change for People & Planet | Hypnotherapy/NLP Trainer @ Academy of Advanced Changework | ???
When many embark on a 'diet' or regime of creating new ways of changing old habits with their eating it typically starts off well until people start to feel unhappy at not being able to eat the amount they want to eat.
Most people (around 2/3rds of the human population) are eating too many calories for what their body needs to function well and healthily. It's surprising how little we do need to live a good and happy life.
There are many reasons people overeat, including, lack of mindfulness, emotional eating e,.g., through boredom, stress, conflict, trauma, illness, grief, sadness, etc, and binging due to leaving it too long between meals leaving them feeling ravenous and unable to resists the temptation to overeat.
Eating too much now and again is also not harmful, however, if we're piling on more calories than we need at every meal, then it's perhaps time to reign it in and find ways of eating less.
To lose weight at a safe and healthy rate of 2lb (about 1kg) a week we need to reduce our calorie intake by about 1000 per day. More exercise will reduce this figure, however, an hour every day on a treadmill will only just about do it, and it really isn't all that much fun!
The biggest and easiest difference you can make to your weight is to reduce the amount you eat. This can be tackled in many ways but here are 4 effective ways in order of ease:?
Whichever option you choose, the goal for this task is to get your body accustomed to having less to eat at each meal to allow your stomach and appetite to shrink!
We know consciously these things look easy and doable, but many find that sustaining these changes long enough to create lasting healthy habits isn't.
Need help to find ways to program your un/conscious for life rather than a few days or weeks? Give me a free 20 minute call