Eat that frog
Grappling dummies for our Ju Jitsu club

Eat that frog

A couple of weeks ago the grappling / throwing dummies arrived for our Ju Jitsu club. Of course, i left it while the last minute to get the rags i needed to fill them. The dummies were supposed to weigh 45-55kg once filled so based on this i ordered 300kg of rags.

When we filled the dummies we only used half the rags we had purchased. Having picked them up i am happy this is the case. While a heavier dummy would have been more realistic to throw, it's hard work when the dummies don't get themselves back off the floor after you have throw them

I know i am not going to use 150kg of rags for anything else and they are currently sitting upstairs at one of our venues. I know that in the past i have just put stuff like this out of sight with the thought of dealing with the problem later. I know that if i leave the bags of rags they are going to just take up space until i probably have to pay to have them disposed of.

Last night i put 'Phone company to return rags' on my list of things to do today. This morning when i looked at the list, my instinct was to pick out something easy to do first. At this point i remembered an old'ish (around 2001) book written by Brian Tracy called Eat That Frog. The book was based on the following quote:-

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” - Mark Twain

Brian has turned this quote in to a metaphor for improving productivity. When you get up in the morning, choose the crappiest task on your list and just get it done.

Obviously i phone the rag company and i am returning the unused 150kg of rags to them tomorrow for a full refund. All i needed to do was pick up the phone and ask them. This is soooooooo much a better option than moving them around for the next couple of years until i have to get rid of them.

What is the frog thats been sitting on your list for the last few days ...... weeks.......months. What ever it is, put your big boy / girl pants on and EAT IT. You will feel much better afterwards.


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