Eat the Frog First Thing in the Morning
Sam Maiyaki
I'm the Brand strategist for emerging and established brands who want to grow, nurture and convert their audience.
Brian Tracy, a well-known author, and motivational speaker popularized the frog-eating metaphor in 2001.?
The frog is the one item on your to-do list that you have no desire to do in terms of productivity.
Unfortunately, it's easy to put off accomplishing tasks like this when they're on your to-do list.
We all begin each day with a limited supply of energy that must sustain us through the whole workday.
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Every time we have to make a choice, we utilize a tiny portion of this energy, no matter how big or small the decision is.
Our bodies utilize glucose for energy whenever we have to make a choice, such as whether to use a blue or black pen or if you should undergo surgery or radiotherapy.
When our glucose reserves are low, our energy levels drop.
It's best to make big choices first thing in the morning while your blood glucose levels are at their peak.
The remainder of your day will go more smoothly if you handle the most critical and most vital duty first thing in the morning.
Overcoming information overload requires taking action. It's best to do the most disagreeable jobs first thing in the morning and not worry about them for the rest of the day.
Work on this project until it is done successfully.
Endorphins and dopamine, two naturally occurring chemicals responsible for pleasure and happiness, are released in the brain when you accomplish something, which helps you remain focused, motivated, and productive throughout the day.
In a nutshell
You want to set aside some time in the morning to focus on the subject at hand and not become distracted.
Reduce the pressure of selecting the right assignment by making a to-do list at the end of the day, prioritizing it, and then picking your frog. The following day, all you have to do is take action as a result of this plan.