EasyPeasy IELTS Exam Preparation!
EasyPeasy IELTS Exam Preparation!

EasyPeasy IELTS Exam Preparation!

EasyPeasy IELTS Exam Preparation, Complete Study Guide: Academic & General- Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.

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IELTS crash course with everything you need to know before taking on the exam. The material used in the lectures has been created by your experienced tutor, with all the tips and tricks required to obtain a high band score compiled into this easy peasy course. At the end of this course, you'll know exactly what is expected of you and have enough knowledge to take the exam with confidence!

What will be covered:

  • Speaking: The exam structure will be reviewed and question types discussed as well as structures to help format answers, and some time management skills to remain within the correct time frame. The criteria will also be introduced and explained.
  • Listening: The different types of recordings and their possible topics will be revised. Suggestions for various approaches to the questions will be given, along with an explanation of how the scoring works.
  • Writing: Both the Academic and General exam questions will be explained and all the information you need to achieve a high score in this section will be communicated. The criteria will also be explained.
  • Reading: The reading texts might be a little different in the Academic exam than in the General, but both possible topics and text formats will be explained. The question types you'll encounter will be listed and useful tips on how to approach the reading and complete the section within the limited time you're given will be provided.

Within this course, you'll find practice tests, answer samples, easy-to-study summaries, thorough explanations, and a list of a few extra online resources for extra practice!

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