Easy Wisdom
Mark Wessner, PhD
President | Speaker | Leadership Coach (Birkman Certified) | Chair, CEO Resource Board (Langley) | Author of "Let's Talk: Engaging Conversations about Controversial Topics"
Get ready to read a long one!
Read Genesis 41:1-43.
It had been two long years since Potiphar’s overreaction sent Joseph to prison.
Upon hearing of the Pharaoh’s two prophetic dreams, the chief cupbearer experienced an “aha” moment as he finally remembered his earlier encounter with Joseph.
Quickly, Joseph was brought to the Pharoah with the hope that he would provide the desperately wanted and frustratingly elusive supernational interpretation of the dreams (talk about pressure!).
After giving a satisfactory interpretation to the Pharoah (and first giving God credit by predicting he would do so), Joseph then dared to suggest to the Pharoah what he should do in response.
Here is the plan, Joseph said, and this is the kind of person who should lead it (I sometimes wonder if Joseph was intentionally positioning himself for the role, but that is a discussion for another time).
Remarkably, the Pharaoh recognized Joseph’s divinely given wisdom and put him in charge of everything. Effective immediately.
Genesis 41 is a densely packed narrative with many layers of intrigue, with one of the most fascinating being the transfer of real and enforceable power from the Egyptian Pharaoh to an unknown Hebrew slave.
The Pharoah instantly recognized the immediate need for a new national agricultural program, the operational inability of his current team of leaders, and the unparalleled expertise of the man standing before him.
Imagine the shockwaves that reverberated through the Pharaoh’s court! Imagine how offended the other wise men must have felt. Had the Pharoah lost his mind? There is no way this young foreigner can (or should) lead us!
The Pharoah threw out hierarchy, tradition, and status quo in response to the desperate situation and the remarkable person he saw in front of him.
Senior Executive Leadership Today
Many pithy leadership sayings get thrown around today, such as, “Surround yourself with people smarter than you”, and “Never be the smartest person in the room”.
They are catchy, and they make good memes on LinkedIn, but really, who actually does that?
Well, the Pharaoh did, apparently.
Think of the leadership conferences you have attended over the years.
When was the last time the keynote speaker was there to talk about who they promoted or hired? How often have you heard a presenter talk about someone who was a better leader than they are, so they put them in charge?
It doesn’t happen often, does it?
But if our goal is to achieve the mission through the best team possible, we sometimes need to get out of our own way and give operational control to someone wiser than us.
But how can we do that?
Self-Diagnostic Questions
Next Steps
Without a doubt, you have wise people in your context. Release their wisdom!
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